[PATCH BlueZ] zsh: use the correct completion return value

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The return value of a completion function is significant, if we fail to
return success additional completers may be invoked when they otherwise
should not be.

Also cleanup up the zsh completion, removing the redundant definition of
_bluetoothctl and using the _call_program helper where appropriate.
 completion/zsh/_bluetoothctl | 127 ++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 58 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

diff --git a/completion/zsh/_bluetoothctl b/completion/zsh/_bluetoothctl
index 610ca2b8d59c..734036e596c1 100644
--- a/completion/zsh/_bluetoothctl
+++ b/completion/zsh/_bluetoothctl
@@ -1,97 +1,86 @@
 #compdef bluetoothctl
-__bluetoothctl() {
-	bluetoothctl "$@" 2>/dev/null
 _bluezcomp_controller() {
 	local -a controllers
-	bluetoothctl list |
+	_call_program bluez-controller bluetoothctl list |
 	while read _ MAC NAME; do
-		controllers+="${MAC//:/\\:}:${NAME//:/\\:}"
+		controllers+=("${MAC//:/\\:}:${NAME//:/\\:}")
 	_describe -t controllers 'controller' controllers
 _bluezcomp_device() {
 	local -a devices
-	bluetoothctl devices |
+	_call_program bluez-device bluetoothctl devices |
 	while read _ MAC NAME; do
-		devices+="${MAC//:/\\:}:${NAME//:/\\:}"
+		devices+=("${MAC//:/\\:}:${NAME//:/\\:}")
 	_describe -t devices 'device' devices
 _bluezcomp_agentcap() {
-	local -a agent_options=(${(f)"$(__bluetoothctl agent help)"})
-	agent_options=( "${(@)agent_options:#(on|off)}" )
-	compadd -a agent_options
+	local -a agent_options=(${${(@f)"$(_call_program bluez-agent bluetoothctl agent help)"}:#(on|off)})
+	compadd "$@" - -a agent_options
 _bluetoothctl_agent() {
-	local -a agent_options=(${(f)"$(__bluetoothctl agent help)"})
-	agent_options+=help
-	compadd -a agent_options
+	local -a agent_options=(help ${(@f)"$(_call_program bluez-agent bluetoothctl agent help)"})
+	compadd "$@" - -a agent_options
-_bluetoothctl_advertise() {
-	local -a ad_options=(${(f)"$(__bluetoothctl advertise help)"})
-	ad_options+=help
-	compadd -a ad_options
+local -a toggle_commands=(
+	"discoverable" "pairable" "power" "scan"
-_bluetoothctl() {
-	local -a toggle_commands=(
-		"discoverable" "pairable" "power" "scan"
-	)
+local -a controller_commands=(
+	"select" "show"
-	local -a controller_commands=(
-		"select" "show"
-	)
+local -a device_commands=(
+	"block" "connect" "disconnect" "info"
+	"pair" "remove" "trust" "unblock" "untrust"
-	local -a device_commands=(
-		"block" "connect" "disconnect" "info"
-		"pair" "remove" "trust" "unblock" "untrust"
-	)
+# Other commands may be handled by _bluetoothctl_$command
+local -a all_commands=( "${(@f)$(_call_program bluetoothctl bluetoothctl --zsh-complete help)}" )
-	# Other commands may be handled by _bluetoothctl_$command
-	local -a all_commands=( "${(@f)$(__bluetoothctl --zsh-complete help)}" )
+local curcontext=$curcontext state line ret=1
+_arguments -C \
+	+ '(info)' \
+	{-h,--help}'[Show help message and exit]' \
+	{-v,--version}'--version[Show version info and exit]' \
+	+ 'mod' \
+	'(info)'{-a+,--agent=}'[Register agent handler]:agent:_bluezcomp_agentcap' \
+	'(info)'{-t,--timeout}'[Timeout in seconds for non-interactive mode]' \
+	'(info)'{-m,--monitor}'[Enable monitor output]' \
+	+ 'command' \
+	'(info):command:->command' \
+	'(info):: :->argument'
-	local curcontext=$curcontext state line ret=1
-	_arguments -C \
-		+ '(info)' \
-		{-h,--help}'[Show help message and exit]' \
-		{-v,--version}'--version[Show version info and exit]' \
-		+ 'mod' \
-		'(info)'{-a+,--agent=}'[Register agent handler]:agent:_bluezcomp_agentcap' \
-		'(info)'{-t,--timeout}'[Timeout in seconds for non-interactive mode]' \
-		'(info)'{-m,--monitor}'[Enable monitor output]' \
-		+ 'command' \
-		'(info):command:->command' \
-		'(info):: :->argument'
-	if [[ $state == "command" ]]; then
-		_describe -t commands 'command' all_commands
-	elif [[ $state == "argument" ]]; then
-		if (( ! ${"${(@)all_commands%%:*}"[(I)${line[1]}]} )); then
-			_message "Unknown bluetoothctl command: $line[1]"
-			return 1;
-		fi
-		curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:bluetoothctl-$line[1]:"
-		if ! _call_function ret _bluetoothctl_$line[1]; then
-			case $line[1] in
-				(${(~j.|.)toggle_commands})
-					compadd on off
-					;;
-				(${(~j.|.)device_commands})
-					_bluezcomp_device
-					;;
-				(${(~j.|.)controller_commands})
-					_bluezcomp_controller
-					;;
-			esac
-		fi
-		return ret
+if [[ $state == "command" ]]; then
+	_describe -t commands 'command' all_commands
+elif [[ $state == "argument" ]]; then
+	if (( ! ${"${(@)all_commands%%:*}"[(I)${line[1]}]} )); then
+		_message "Unknown bluetoothctl command: $line[1]"
+		return 1;
-} && _bluetoothctl
+	curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:bluetoothctl-$line[1]:"
+	if ! _call_function ret _bluetoothctl_$line[1]; then
+		case $line[1] in
+			(advertise)
+				compadd - help on off type && ret=0
+				;;
+			(${(~j.|.)toggle_commands})
+				compadd on off && ret=0
+				;;
+			(${(~j.|.)device_commands})
+				_bluezcomp_device && ret=0
+				;;
+			(${(~j.|.)controller_commands})
+				_bluezcomp_controller && ret=0
+				;;
+		esac
+	fi
+	return ret

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