Hi everyone,
My apologies if this is the wrong place to send this question to. But my
question is, what do I do if a bluetooth keyboard no longer shows the
pairing passkey code on pair? The model is a "Royal Kludge RK61-US"
keyboard. It used to show the pairing code and then pair fine. I ested
this with two different bluetooth controllers on two different Linux
machines of mine.
But since I moved to a different distribution with different bluetooth
tools and kernel versions, now kernel 6.10.8 with
bluetoothctl/bluetoothd 5.77, it no longer shows the pairing code and
bluetoothctl just thinks it pairs without showing a passkey. And during
that, the keyboard itself keeps flashing in pairing mode and won't
finish pairing like the Linux side seems to think it did, and I'm
guessing it's waiting for the code which never seems to show up in
[bluetooth]# scan on
[bluetooth]# SetDiscoveryFilter success
[bluetooth]# Discovery started
[bluetooth]# [CHG] Controller 70:D8:C2:14:8B:23 Discovering: yes
[bluetooth]# [NEW] Device C5:F9:E9:90:F6:8A RK61-5.0
[bluetooth]# pair C5:F9:E9:90:F6:8A
Attempting to connect to C5:F9:E9:90:F6:8A
[bluetooth]# [CHG] Device C5:F9:E9:90:F6:8A WakeAllowed: yes
Attempting to pair with C5:F9:E9:90:F6:8A
[CHG] Device C5:F9:E9:90:F6:8A Connected: yes
[RK61-5.0]# Connection successful
[RK61-5.0]# [CHG] Device C5:F9:E9:90:F6:8A Bonded: yes
[RK61-5.0]# [NEW] Primary Service (Handle 0x0000)
Device Information
[RK61-5.0]# [NEW] Characteristic (Handle 0x0000)
Manufacturer Name String
[RK61-5.0]# [NEW] Characteristic (Handle 0x0000)
Software Revision String
[RK61-5.0]# [NEW] Characteristic (Handle 0x0000)
[RK61-5.0]# [NEW] Primary Service (Handle 0x0000)
Battery Service
[RK61-5.0]# [NEW] Characteristic (Handle 0x0000)
Battery Level
[RK61-5.0]# [NEW] Descriptor (Handle 0x0000)
Client Characteristic Configuration
[RK61-5.0]# [CHG] Device C5:F9:E9:90:F6:8A UUIDs:
[RK61-5.0]# [CHG] Device C5:F9:E9:90:F6:8A UUIDs:
[RK61-5.0]# [CHG] Device C5:F9:E9:90:F6:8A UUIDs:
[RK61-5.0]# [CHG] Device C5:F9:E9:90:F6:8A UUIDs:
[RK61-5.0]# [CHG] Device C5:F9:E9:90:F6:8A ServicesResolved: yes
[RK61-5.0]# [CHG] Device C5:F9:E9:90:F6:8A Paired: yes
[RK61-5.0]# [CHG] Device C5:F9:E9:90:F6:8A Modalias: usb:v000Ep3412d6701
Is this some sort of regression maybe, or am I supposed to try some
special option? Am I supposed to do something with some active probe
command in bluetoothctl to get the passkey code to show? My apologies
for these beginner questions, but from all I could find online it seems
like the code is meant to show up during above process but it doesn't.
I already tried the different controller modes "dual", "bredr", "le",
and it seems like it's an "le" type device since with "bredr" it doesn't
show up. Other than that, the modes didn't seem to make a difference.
Sadly, I didn't write down the exact software versions of kernel etc.
that I previously used when everything worked. :-|