Branch: refs/heads/master Home: Commit: b35d0a45baf260a6a626c3f52b074159fdad259c Author: Luiz Augusto von Dentz <luiz.von.dentz@xxxxxxxxx> Date: 2024-08-16 (Fri, 16 Aug 2024) Changed paths: M client/player.c Log Message: ----------- client/player: Add support for entering metadata via endpoint.presets Commit: a59529d3bac6fc6dc785102f5312acbd9d1c8be8 Author: Luiz Augusto von Dentz <luiz.von.dentz@xxxxxxxxx> Date: 2024-08-19 (Mon, 19 Aug 2024) Changed paths: M client/player.c Log Message: ----------- client/player: Make endpoint.presets accept endpoint object This makes endpoint.presets accept local endpoints rather than just UUIDs: [bluetooth]# endpoint.presets /local/endpoint/ep0 32_1_1 Commit: c909433ed23b1f2645b314ba7df99adb66cd91a1 Author: Luiz Augusto von Dentz <luiz.von.dentz@xxxxxxxxx> Date: 2024-08-19 (Mon, 19 Aug 2024) Changed paths: M client/player.c Log Message: ----------- client/player: Make print local preset This makes command print preset set with endpoint.presets: > /local/endpoint/ep2 Endpoint /local/endpoint/ep2 UUID 00002bc9-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb Codec 0x06 (6) Capabilities.#0: len 0x03 type 0x01 Capabilities.Sampling Frequencies: 0x00ff Capabilities.Sampling Frequency: 8 Khz (0x0001) Capabilities.Sampling Frequency: 11.25 Khz (0x0002) Capabilities.Sampling Frequency: 16 Khz (0x0004) Capabilities.Sampling Frequency: 22.05 Khz (0x0008) Capabilities.Sampling Frequency: 24 Khz (0x0010) Capabilities.Sampling Frequency: 32 Khz (0x0020) Capabilities.Sampling Frequency: 44.1 Khz (0x0040) Capabilities.Sampling Frequency: 48 Khz (0x0080) Capabilities.#1: len 0x02 type 0x02 Capabilities.Frame Duration: 0x03 Capabilities.Frame Duration: 7.5 ms (0x01) Capabilities.Frame Duration: 10 ms (0x02) Capabilities.#2: len 0x05 type 0x04 Capabilities.Frame Length: 26 (0x001a) - 240 (0x00f0) Capabilities.#3: len 0x02 type 0x03 Capabilities.Audio Channel Count: 0x01 Capabilities.Audio Channel Count: 1 channel (0x01) Preset 32_1_1 Configuration.#0: len 0x02 type 0x01 Configuration.Sampling Frequency: 32 Khz (0x06) Configuration.#1: len 0x02 type 0x02 Configuration.Frame Duration: 7.5 ms (0x00) Configuration.#2: len 0x03 type 0x04 Configuration.Frame Length: 60 (0x003c) Locations 0x00000002 (2) Commit: 168ea3078066d293e915280bb55ededa7d109abe Author: Luiz Augusto von Dentz <luiz.von.dentz@xxxxxxxxx> Date: 2024-08-19 (Mon, 19 Aug 2024) Changed paths: M client/player.c Log Message: ----------- client/player: Print endpoint preset with endpoint.presets If just the endpoint objects is passed to endpoint.presets then just print it instead of the listing the presets available for the UUID: [bluetooth]# endpoint.presets /local/endpoint/ep2 Preset 32_1_1 Configuration.#0: len 0x02 type 0x01 Configuration.Sampling Frequency: 32 Khz (0x06) Configuration.#1: len 0x02 type 0x02 Configuration.Frame Duration: 7.5 ms (0x00) Configuration.#2: len 0x03 type 0x04 Configuration.Frame Length: 60 (0x003c) Commit: 1cc3cf08c4934e3c4dc1413e11ac84ac53ea28cf Author: Luiz Augusto von Dentz <luiz.von.dentz@xxxxxxxxx> Date: 2024-08-19 (Mon, 19 Aug 2024) Changed paths: M profiles/input/hog-lib.c Log Message: ----------- hog-lib: Fix calling bt_uhid_destroy with invalid instance If the hog->uhid cannot be created then it is pointless to call bt_uhid_destroy as it will likely just produce bogus output as in: Commit: d5c68dbed1eeffd62f55030bdc383c7a684daf69 Author: Luiz Augusto von Dentz <luiz.von.dentz@xxxxxxxxx> Date: 2024-08-19 (Mon, 19 Aug 2024) Changed paths: M profiles/input/hog-lib.c Log Message: ----------- hog-lib: Add logging when bt_uhid_new fails If bt_uhid_new fails there is likely a problem with uHID module or bluetoothd don't have previleges to access /dev/uhid. Compare: To unsubscribe from these emails, change your notification settings at