Branch: refs/heads/master Home: Commit: a626ae163fd716932838477c5d9d1d6ff23f6b0e Author: Iulia Tanasescu <iulia.tanasescu@xxxxxxx> Date: 2024-08-06 (Tue, 06 Aug 2024) Changed paths: M src/shared/bass.c M src/shared/bass.h Log Message: ----------- shared/bass: Add API to send GATT write command This adds a BASS API to send a GATT write command for the Broadcast Audio Scan Control Point characteristic. Commit: 11fce8b098979b3ce12c52da5a018fe01c24ce27 Author: Iulia Tanasescu <iulia.tanasescu@xxxxxxx> Date: 2024-08-06 (Tue, 06 Aug 2024) Changed paths: M src/device.c M src/device.h Log Message: ----------- device: Add support to iterate through service data Some usecases require iterating through the service data structures advertised by a scanned device - for example, a Broadcast Source advertises the Broadcast Audio Announcement Service UUID, with the Broadcast ID as service data. The Broadcast ID is used by audio profiles to uniquely identify the Broadcast Source. This adds an API to iterate through the service data advertised by a device. Commit: a426c36171091b75c49226b4bb4a2563606e19f5 Author: Iulia Tanasescu <iulia.tanasescu@xxxxxxx> Date: 2024-08-06 (Tue, 06 Aug 2024) Changed paths: M profiles/audio/bass.c Log Message: ----------- bass: Store Broadcast ID inside assistant struct A Broadcast Source is uniquely identified by its Broadcast ID, which is being advertised in the Extended Advertising Data. After discovering a Broadcast Source, a BAP Broadcast Assistant needs to internally store the Broadcast ID, which will be transmitted to the peer Scan Delegator via the BASS "Add Source" operation. Commit: fc9c4f2313b71ea476de71f96e1f23f742ee08d6 Author: Iulia Tanasescu <iulia.tanasescu@xxxxxxx> Date: 2024-08-06 (Tue, 06 Aug 2024) Changed paths: M src/shared/bass.c M src/shared/bass.h Log Message: ----------- shared/bass: Add APIs to register bcast src changed cb A BAP Broadcast Assistant (BASS Client) needs to listen for GATT notifications for Broadcast Receive State characteristics from peer Scan Delegators (BASS Servers), in order to learn about updates in Broadcasters known by the peer - for example, the Assistant can be informed if the peer requires a Broadcast Code to decrypt an encrypted stream. This adds APIs that the BASS plugin can use to register/unregister callbacks to be called on each received notification. Commit: 15811387144ca2f8274932204a54ff2fc6e36cff Author: Iulia Tanasescu <iulia.tanasescu@xxxxxxx> Date: 2024-08-06 (Tue, 06 Aug 2024) Changed paths: M src/shared/bass.h Log Message: ----------- shared/bass: Add additional defines This adds BASS macros for Broadcast Source address types and for the unknown PA interval value. These values are to be used as parameters for the "Add Source" command. Commit: 117b993f3d680385b2634608d41e8e466911f439 Author: Iulia Tanasescu <iulia.tanasescu@xxxxxxx> Date: 2024-08-06 (Tue, 06 Aug 2024) Changed paths: M profiles/audio/bass.c Log Message: ----------- bass: Implement MediaAssistant Push method This implements the MediaAssistant "Push" method, which sends a GATT write command for the Broadcast Audio Scan Control Point characteristic with the "Add Source" opcode. This also registers a callback with shared/bass, to handle GATT notifications from the peer. A MediaAssistant object transitions to different states, depending on information received in the callback. The callback is also useful to check if the peer requires a Broadcast Code to decrypt the stream - in this case, the Assistant uses the "Set Broadcast_Code" operation to provide the code. Commit: e1aa24a4394993375c381740c59f5292a32f6d4d Author: Iulia Tanasescu <iulia.tanasescu@xxxxxxx> Date: 2024-08-06 (Tue, 06 Aug 2024) Changed paths: M client/assistant.c Log Message: ----------- assistant: Implement MediaAssistant Push command This implements the MediaAssistant "Push" command, to trigger the BlueZ Broadcast Assistant to send stream information to the peer. After issuing the "Push" command, the user is prompted to enter any stream metadata to be sent to the peer. If the "auto" value is chosen, the default metadata found in the BASE will be sent. Otherwise, the LTVs found in the BASE will be overwritten by the user input. If the stream is encrypted, the user is also prompted to enter the Broadcast Code for decrypting. If the "auto" value is chosen, a zero filled array will be provided over DBus. Below is a bluetoothctl log to exercise the "Push" command for an unencrypted stream: client/bluetoothctl [bluetooth]# [CHG] Controller 00:60:37:31:7E:3F Pairable: yes [bluetooth]# AdvertisementMonitor path registered [bluetooth]# scan on [bluetooth]# [NEW] Device 00:60:37:31:7E:3F 00-60-37-31-7E-3F [bluetooth]# connect 00:60:37:31:7E:3F Attempting to connect to 00:60:37:31:7E:3F [CHG] Device 00:60:37:31:7E:3F Connected: yes [00-60-37-31-7E-3F]# Connection successful [00-60-37-31-7E-3F]# [NEW] Device 15:19:44:63:76:7A 15-19-44-63-76-7A [00-60-37-31-7E-3F]# [NEW] Assistant /org/bluez/hci0/src_15_19_44_63_76_7A/dev_00_60_37_31_7E_3F/bis1 [00-60-37-31-7E-3F]# assistant.push /org/bluez/hci0/src_15_19_44_63_76_7A/dev_00_60_37_31_7E_3F/bis1 [Assistant] Enter Metadata (auto/value): 0x03 0x02 0x04 0x00 [00-60-37-31-7E-3F]# [CHG] Assistant /org/bluez/hci0/src_15_19_44_63_76_7A/dev_00_60_37_31_7E_3F/bis1 State: pending [00-60-37-31-7E-3F]# Assistant /org/bluez/hci0/src_15_19_44_63_76_7A/dev_00_60_37_31_7E_3F/bis1 pushed [00-60-37-31-7E-3F]# [CHG] Assistant /org/bluez/hci0/src_15_19_44_63_76_7A/dev_00_60_37_31_7E_3F/bis1 State: active The btmon log below shows the GATT write command sent by the Assistant and the GATT notification received from the peer: < ACL Data TX: Handle 0 flags 0x00 dlen 32 ATT: Write Command (0x52) len 27 Handle: 0x0040 Type: Broadcast Audio Scan Control Point (0x2bc7) Data[25]: 02017a766344191500c21a3702ffff01010000000403020400 Opcode: Add Source (0x02) Source_Address_Type: 1 Source_Address: 15:19:44:63:76:7A Source_Adv_SID: 0 Broadcast_ID: 0x371ac2 PA_Sync_State: Synchronize to PA - PAST not available PA_Interval: 0xffff Num_Subgroups: 1 Subgroup #0: BIS_Sync State: 0x00000001 Metadata: #0: len 0x03 type 0x02 Metadata: 04 00 > ACL Data RX: Handle 0 flags 0x01 dlen 6 ATT: Handle Multiple Value Notification (0x23) len 28 Length: 0x0018 Handle: 0x003a Type: Broadcast Receive State (0x2bc8) Data[24]: 01017a766344191500c21a37020001010000000403020400 Source_ID: 1 Source_Address_Type: 1 Source_Address: 15:19:44:63:76:7A Source_Adv_SID: 0 Broadcast_ID: 0x371ac2 PA_Sync_State: Synchronized to PA BIG_Encryption: Not encrypted Num_Subgroups: 1 Subgroup #0: BIS_Sync State: 0x00000001 Metadata: #0: len 0x03 type 0x02 Metadata: 04 00 The bluetoothctl log below shows the "Push" command flow for an encrypted stream: client/bluetoothctl [bluetooth]# [CHG] Controller 00:60:37:31:7E:3F Pairable: yes [bluetooth]# AdvertisementMonitor path registered [bluetooth]# scan on [bluetooth]# [NEW] Device 00:60:37:31:7E:3F 00-60-37-31-7E-3F [bluetooth]# connect 00:60:37:31:7E:3F Attempting to connect to 00:60:37:31:7E:3F [CHG] Device 00:60:37:31:7E:3F Connected: yes [00-60-37-31-7E-3F]# Connection successful [00-60-37-31-7E-3F]# [NEW] Device 05:1F:EE:F3:F8:7D 05-1F-EE-F3-F8-7D [00-60-37-31-7E-3F]# [NEW] Assistant /org/bluez/hci0/src_05_1F_EE_F3_F8_7D/dev_00_60_37_31_7E_3F/bis1 [00-60-37-31-7E-3F]# assistant.push /org/bluez/hci0/src_05_1F_EE_F3_F8_7D/dev_00_60_37_31_7E_3F/bis1 [Assistant] Enter Metadata (auto/value): 0x03 0x02 0x04 0x00 [Assistant] Enter Broadcast Code (auto/value): 0x01 0x02 0x68 0x05 0x53 0xf1 0x41 0x5a 0xa2 0x65 0xbb 0xaf 0xc6 0xea 0x03 0xb8 [00-60-37-31-7E-3F]# [CHG] Assistant /org/bluez/hci0/src_05_1F_EE_F3_F8_7D/dev_00_60_37_31_7E_3F/bis1 State: pending [00-60-37-31-7E-3F]# Assistant /org/bluez/hci0/src_05_1F_EE_F3_F8_7D/dev_00_60_37_31_7E_3F/bis1 pushed [00-60-37-31-7E-3F]# [CHG] Assistant /org/bluez/hci0/src_05_1F_EE_F3_F8_7D/dev_00_60_37_31_7E_3F/bis1 State: requesting [00-60-37-31-7E-3F]# [CHG] Assistant /org/bluez/hci0/src_05_1F_EE_F3_F8_7D/dev_00_60_37_31_7E_3F/bis1 State: active The GATT write commands and notifications for this scenario are shown in the btmon log below: < ACL Data TX: Handle 0 flags 0x00 dlen 32 ATT: Write Command (0x52) len 27 Handle: 0x0040 Type: Broadcast Audio Scan Control Point (0x2bc7) Data[25]: 02017df8f3ee1f0500f4015d02ffff01010000000403020400 Opcode: Add Source (0x02) Source_Address_Type: 1 Source_Address: 05:1F:EE:F3:F8:7D Source_Adv_SID: 0 Broadcast_ID: 0x5d01f4 PA_Sync_State: Synchronize to PA - PAST not available PA_Interval: 0xffff Num_Subgroups: 1 Subgroup #0: BIS_Sync State: 0x00000001 Metadata: #0: len 0x03 type 0x02 Metadata: 04 00 > ACL Data RX: Handle 0 flags 0x01 dlen 6 ATT: Handle Multiple Value Notification (0x23) len 28 Length: 0x0018 Handle: 0x003a Type: Broadcast Receive State (0x2bc8) Data[24]: 01017df8f3ee1f0500f4015d020101000000000403020400 Source_ID: 1 Source_Address_Type: 1 Source_Address: 05:1F:EE:F3:F8:7D Source_Adv_SID: 0 Broadcast_ID: 0x5d01f4 PA_Sync_State: Synchronized to PA BIG_Encryption: Broadcast_Code required Num_Subgroups: 1 Subgroup #0: BIS_Sync State: 0x00000000 Metadata: #0: len 0x03 type 0x02 Metadata: 04 00 < ACL Data TX: Handle 0 flags 0x00 dlen 25 ATT: Write Command (0x52) len 20 Handle: 0x0040 Type: Broadcast Audio Scan Control Point (0x2bc7) Data[18]: 04010102680553f1415aa265bbafc6ea03b8 Opcode: Set Broadcast_Code (0x04) Source_ID: 1 Broadcast_Code[16]: 0102680553f1415aa265bbafc6ea03b8 > ACL Data RX: Handle 0 flags 0x01 dlen 6 ATT: Handle Multiple Value Notification (0x23) len 28 Length: 0x0018 Handle: 0x003a Type: Broadcast Receive State (0x2bc8) Data[24]: 01017df8f3ee1f0500f4015d020201010000000403020400 Source_ID: 1 Source_Address_Type: 1 Source_Address: 05:1F:EE:F3:F8:7D Source_Adv_SID: 0 Broadcast_ID: 0x5d01f4 PA_Sync_State: Synchronized to PA BIG_Encryption: Decrypting Num_Subgroups: 1 Subgroup #0: BIS_Sync State: 0x00000001 Metadata: #0: len 0x03 type 0x02 Metadata: 04 00 Compare: To unsubscribe from these emails, change your notification settings at