Hi everyone,
Does anybody know what bluez needs to actually pair an android device?
I tried on a x86_64 and arm64 device with bluez 5.72, but could not get the pairing done from
android side.
on a lineageos android 13 device, it starts pairing, and according to bluetoothctl, everything
is fine (even without passkey), but the lineageos device never sees the pairing process as
completed, even when trusting it
on a samsung android 13 device, it (sometimes) requests a passkey, but after confirming, the
process is the same.
Are there some specific requirements bluez needs to obey in order to accept android 13 connections?
in a desperate attempt to find something useful, I captured a btmon of both devices' connection
attempt (twice), only to realize I didn't get any further at all:
Samsung tablet device: Tab S7 van Janpieter(C4:18:E9:70:05:64)
Lineageos 17 device: aptx.sniff.trojan.root.exploit (4C:02:20:92:13:5C):
So my last idea would be to find a set of requirements Android 13 has for bluetooth connections.
Are there any?
Kind regards,
Janpieter Sollie