Dear Luiz /Community, I'm trying to verify OOB pairing by manually sharing pairing information using the btmgmt tool (Not using NFC) between BLE central and peripheral devices. This is similar to the question below, which is not answered.I tried googling, but couldn't find the right info, so turned to the community for help. Here are the steps I followed. 1. secure connection is enabled in both devices. Central: # btmgmt info Index list with 1 item hci0: Primary controller addr 00:1F:7B:4A:0E:CB version 12 manufacturer 72 class 0x000000 supported settings: powered connectable fast-connectable discoverable bondable link-security ssp br/edr le advertising secure-conn debug-keys privacy static-addr phy-configuration current settings: powered connectable discoverable bondable le secure-conn name Panda Peripheral: # btmgmt info Index list with 1 item hci0: Primary controller addr 00:1F:7B:4A:0E:81 version 9 manufacturer 72 class 0x000000 supported settings: powered connectable fast-connectable discoverable bondable link-security ssp br/edr le advertising secure-conn debug-keys privacy static-addr phy-configuration current settings: powered connectable discoverable bondable le advertising secure-conn name imx8mmpanda short name 2. Unable to read local-oob [mgmt]# local-oob Too small (32 bytes) read_local_oob rsp 3. So random and hash values generated using "le-oob" Central: [mgmt]# le-oob LE Device Address: 00:1F:7B:4A:0E:CB (public) LE Role: 0x01 LE SC Confirmation Value: 1e8cb994e8d913adf0fc55196b3e3f0e LE SC Random Value: f1813b0ddd3ca126ac847dc8cbe492a0 Flags: 0x02 Peripheral: [mgmt]# le-oob LE Device Address: 00:1F:7B:4A:0E:81 (public) LE Role: 0x02 LE SC Confirmation Value: 759058bc5620bf728f3e18ce88728d67 LE SC Random Value: 1329bb1dbc7f13f846c12360f596ada0 Flags: 0x06 3. paring info updated using "remote-oob" but seeing 0 for R,H in btmon log Central: [mgmt]# remote-oob 00:1F:7B:4A:0E:81 -t 1 -r f1813b0ddd3ca126ac847dc8cbe492a0 -h 1e8cb994e8d913adf0fc55196b3e3f0e -R 1329bb1dbc7f13f846c12360f596ada0 -H 759058bc5620bf728f3e18ce88728d67 Peripheral: [mgmt]# remote-oob 00:1F:7B:4A:0E:CB -t 1 -r 1329bb1dbc7f13f846c12360f596ada0 -h 759058bc5620bf728f3e18ce88728d67 -R f1813b0ddd3ca126ac847dc8cbe492a0 -H 1e8cb994e8d913adf0fc55196b3e3f0e btmon log: @ MGMT Command: Add Remote Out Of Band Data (0x0021) plen 71 {0x0002} [hci0] 30.534680 BR/EDR Address: 00:1F:7B:4A:0E:CB (TechNexion Ltd.) Hash C from P-192: 00000000000000000000000000000000 Randomizer R with P-192: 00000000000000000000000000000000 Hash C from P-256: 00000000000000000000000000000000 Randomizer R with P-256: 00000000000000000000000000000000 @ MGMT Event: Command Complete (0x0001) plen 10 {0x0002} [hci0] 30.534706 Add Remote Out Of Band Data (0x0021) plen 7 Status: Success (0x00) BR/EDR Address: 00:1F:7B:4A:0E:CB (TechNexion Ltd.) Also seeing BR/EDR address instead of LE address. 5. paring initiated w/ address type 1 (LE Public) pair -t 1 00:1F:7B:4A:0E:81 6. OOB data flag is not set in both pairing request and response So fall back to IO capability and prompting to confirm the numerical comparison. btmon log: < ACL Data TX: Handle 128 flags 0x00 dlen 11 #534 [hci0] 121.916889 SMP: Pairing Request (0x01) len 6 IO capability: DisplayYesNo (0x01) OOB data: Authentication data not present (0x00) Authentication requirement: Bonding, MITM, SC, No Keypresses (0x0d) Max encryption key size: 16 Initiator key distribution: EncKey Sign (0x05) Responder key distribution: EncKey IdKey Sign (0x07) < ACL Data TX: Handle 128 flags 0x00 dlen 7 #535 [hci0] 121.917990 ATT: Exchange MTU Request (0x02) len 2 Client RX MTU: 517 > HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5 #536 [hci0] 121.961103 Num handles: 1 Handle: 128 Address: 00:1F:7B:4A:0E:81 (TechNexion Ltd.) Count: 1 > HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5 #537 [hci0] 121.961727 Num handles: 1 Handle: 128 Address: 00:1F:7B:4A:0E:81 (TechNexion Ltd.) Count: 1 > ACL Data RX: Handle 128 flags 0x02 dlen 11 #538 [hci0] 122.005568 SMP: Pairing Response (0x02) len 6 IO capability: NoInputNoOutput (0x03) OOB data: Authentication data not present (0x00) Authentication requirement: Bonding, MITM, SC, No Keypresses (0x0d) Max encryption key size: 16 Initiator key distribution: EncKey Sign (0x05) Responder key distribution: EncKey Sign (0x05) > ACL Data RX: Handle 128 flags 0x02 dlen 7 7. Tried to set OOB data flag using below command but it doesn't help set-flags 00:1F:7B:4A:0E:CB -f 0x0004 I don't know how to set the OOB data flag using the btmgmt tool. I would appreciate any input regarding this. Thank you Raj