[PATCH BlueZ 1/1] Updated bluetoothctl documentation.

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From: Paul Otto <potto@xxxxxxxx>

 client/bluetoothctl-admin.rst     |  98 ++++++++
 client/bluetoothctl-advertise.rst | 243 ++++++++++++++++++++
 client/bluetoothctl-endpoint.rst  | 121 ++++++++++
 client/bluetoothctl-gatt.rst      | 212 +++++++++++++++++
 client/bluetoothctl-player.rst    | 200 ++++++++++++++++
 client/bluetoothctl-scan.rst      | 146 ++++++++++++
 client/bluetoothctl-transport.rst | 128 +++++++++++
 client/bluetoothctl.rst           | 366 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 1514 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 client/bluetoothctl-admin.rst
 create mode 100644 client/bluetoothctl-advertise.rst
 create mode 100644 client/bluetoothctl-endpoint.rst
 create mode 100644 client/bluetoothctl-gatt.rst
 create mode 100644 client/bluetoothctl-player.rst
 create mode 100644 client/bluetoothctl-scan.rst
 create mode 100644 client/bluetoothctl-transport.rst
 create mode 100644 client/bluetoothctl.rst

diff --git a/client/bluetoothctl-admin.rst b/client/bluetoothctl-admin.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7084bdad0
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+++ b/client/bluetoothctl-admin.rst
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+Admin Policy Submenu
+:Version: BlueZ
+:Copyright: Free use of this software is granted under ther terms of the GNU
+            Lesser General Public Licenses (LGPL).
+:Date: November 2022
+:Manual section: 1
+:Manual group: Linux System Administration
+**bluetoothctl** [**-a** *capability*] [**-e**] [**-m**] [**-t** *seconds*] [**-v**] [**-h**]
+**bluetoothctl(1)** interactive bluetooth control tool. The tool works with Bluetooth Classic (BR/EDR) and Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) controllers.
+-a capability, --agent capability        Register agent handler: <capability>
+-e, --endpoints                  Register Media endpoints
+-m, --monitor                    Enable monitor output
+-t seconds, --timeout seconds    Timeout in seconds for non-interactive mode
+-v, --version       Display version
+-h, --help          Display help
+Admin Policy Commands
+   We divide bluetoothctl into main menu commands and submenu commands. The submenu commands control options 
+   numbers for the commands can be hex (0x0F) or decimal (10)
+   Allow service UUIDs and block rest of them
+   Syntax: allow [clear/uuid1 uuid2 ...]
+   Example: allow 0x1101 0x1102 0x1103
+   Example: allow clear
+:Usage: **#allow [clear/uuid1 uuid2 ...]**
+   Return to main menu 
+:Usage: **#back**
+   Display version
+:Usage: **#version**
+   Quit program
+:Usage: **#quit**
+   Quit program
+:Usage: **#exit**
+   Display help about this program
+:Usage: **#help**
+   Print environment variables
+:Usage: **#export**
diff --git a/client/bluetoothctl-advertise.rst b/client/bluetoothctl-advertise.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b9911158
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+++ b/client/bluetoothctl-advertise.rst
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+Advertise Options Submenu
+:Version: BlueZ
+:Copyright: Free use of this software is granted under ther terms of the GNU
+            Lesser General Public Licenses (LGPL).
+:Date: November 2022
+:Manual section: 1
+:Manual group: Linux System Administration
+bluetoothctl advertise options submenu can be accessed by the command `menu advertise` in bluetoothctl. If the error "Failed to register advertisement: org.bluez.Error.Failed" is received then check /var/log/syslog for the specific error such as "Advertising data too long or couldn't be generated.". Assuming bluetoothd has the -v option set.
+Advertise Options Commands
+Advertising packets are structured data which is broadcast on the LE Advertising
+channels and available for all devices in range.  Because of the limited space
+available in LE Advertising packets (31 bytes), each packet's contents must be
+carefully controlled.
+This is a long form description of the commands that includes examples. Values can either be hexadecimal (0x0C)
+decimal (12) or octal if  a leading zero (07). Footnotes are indicated by {x} and can be found at the bottom of the page.
+Set/Get advertise uuids
+  The assumed format of the uuid is hex. Therefore uuids 0x1234 identical to uuids 1234.
+  The valid uuids are:
+  - 16 bit uuids - ex: uuids 0x1234
+  - 32 bit uuids - ex: uuids 0x12345678
+  - 128 bit uuids - ex: uuids 90f95193-35de-4306-a6e9-699328f15059
+    .. note:: 128 bit uuids must be in the format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx where x is a hexadecimal digit and the dashes are included.
+:Usage: **# uuids [all/uuid1 uuid2 ...]**
+Set/Get advertise service data
+:Usage: **# service [uuid] [data=xx xx ...]**
+Set/Get advertise manufacturer data
+  updating is in real time while advertising. This is currently limited to 25 bytes and will return an error message of "Too much data"
+  if that maximum has been exceeded. However, this does not check if the advertising payload length maximum has been exceeded so you 
+  may receive an error from bluetoothd that it "Failed to register advertisement" which means you need to reduce your manufacturer data length.
+:Usage: **# manufacturer [id] [data=xx xx ...]**
+Set/Get advertise data
+  This allows you to advertise data with a given type. You cannot use a registered data type value {1} with 
+  this command. For LE the advertising shows up in the primary advertisements
+  Example: Advertises a nonregistered data type of 0x0C with three octets of data (01 0x0F 13)::
+    data 0x0C 01 0x0F 13
+  If you set only the type of the data without any data (data 0x0c) this will cause a parse error when turning advertise on.
+  You can only send a maximum of 8 bytes of data. data 0x0c 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
+  You can modify the advertising data while it is advertising 
+  To get the currently set data use the command data without any arguments
+  To delete the currently set data you need to...   (clear does not appear to work)
+:Usage: **# data [type] [data=xx xx ...]**
+Set/Get advertise discoverable
+  For LE discoverable on will set the LE General Discoverable Mode flag to true in the primary advertisement if on.
+  This feature can be changed during advertising, but will only trigger LE General Discoverable Mode even if you had previously selected 
+  discoverable-timeout this will be ignored.
+  Entering the command by itself will show the status of the setting
+:Usage: **# discoverable [on/off]**
+Set/Get advertise discoverable timeout
+  Using this feature in LE will cause the LE Limited Discoverable Mode flag to be set in the primary advertisement and 
+  The LE General Discoverable Mode flag will not be set. The LE Limited Discoverable Mode flag will automatically turn off after [seconds]
+  discoverable [on] must be set to use this feature
+  Entering the command by itself will show the time value
+:Usage: **# discoverable-timeout [seconds]**
+Show/Enable/Disable TX power to be advertised
+  This sets the TX Power Level field in the advertising packet. The value is in dBm and can be between -127 and 127.
+  Entering the command by itself will show the current value
+  When this feature is turned on the LE device will advertise its transmit power in the primary advertisement
+  This feature can be modified while advertising.
+  Entering the command by itself will show the status of the setting
+:Usage: **# tx-power [on/off] [power]**
+Configure local name to be advertised
+  Local name to be used in the advertising report. If the string is too big to fit into the packet it will be truncated.
+  It will either advertise as a complete local name or if it has to be truncated then a shortened local name
+  advertise.name "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"
+  Text: 0123456789abcdef0123456789abc
+  There does not appear to be a way to tell if it is advertising with a complete or shortened local name.
+:Usage: **# name [on/off/name]**
+Configure custom appearance to be advertised
+:Usage: **# appearance [on/off/value]**
+Set/Get advertise duration
+  The Duration parameter configures the length of an Instance. The value is in seconds.
+  A value of 0 indicates a default value is chosen for the Duration. The default is 2 seconds.
+  If only one advertising Instance has been added, then the Duration value will be ignored.
+  If multiple advertising Instances have been added, then the Duration value will be used to determine the length of time
+  each Instance is advertised for. The Duration value is used to calculate the number of advertising events that will be
+  used to advertise each Instance. The number of advertising events is calculated by dividing the Duration value by the
+  advertising interval. The advertising interval is determined by the advertising parameters that are set for each
+  Instance. The advertising interval is the maximum of the advertising intervals set for each Instance.
+  The Duration value is used to calculate the number of advertising events that will be used to advertise each Instance.
+  The number of advertising events is calculated by dividing the Duration value by the advertising interval. The advertising
+  interval is determined by the advertising parameters that are set for each Instance. The advertising interval is the maximum
+  of the advertising intervals set for each Instance.
+  The Duration value is used to calculate the number of advertising events that will be used to advertise each Instance.
+  The number of advertising events is calculated by dividing the Duration value by the advertising interval. The advertising
+  interval is determined by the advertising parameters that are set for each Instance. The advertising interval is the maximum
+  of the advertising intervals set for each Instance.
+  The Duration value is used to calculate the number of advertising events that will be used to advertise each Instance.
+  The number of advertising events is calculated by dividing the Duration value by the advertising interval. The advertising
+  interval is determined by the advertising parameters that are set for each Instance. The advertising interval is the maximum
+  of the advertising intervals set for each Instance.
+  The Duration value is used to calculate the number of advertising events that will be used to advertise each Instance.
+  The number of advertising events is calculated by dividing the Duration value by the advertising interval. The advertising
+  interval is determined by the advertising parameters that are set for each Instance. The advertising interval is the maximum
+  of the advertising intervals set for each Instance.
+  The Duration value is used to calculate the number of advertising events that will be used to advertise each Instance.
+  The number of advertising events is
+  calculated by dividing the Duration value by the advertising interval. The advertising interval is determined by the
+  advertising parameters that are set for each Instance. The advertising interval is the maximum of the advertising intervals
+  set for each Instance.
+:Usage: **# duration [seconds]**
+  Set/Get advertise timeout
+:Usage: **# timeout [seconds]**
+  Set/Get advertise secondary channel
+  The Secondary parameter configures the secondary channel used for advertising.
+:Usage: **# secondary [1M/2M/Coded]**        
+Set/Get advertise interval
+  The Interval parameter configures the advertising interval of an Instance. The value is in milliseconds.
+  A value of 0 indicates a default value is chosen for the Interval. The default is 100 milliseconds.
+  The Interval value is used to calculate the number of advertising events that will be used to advertise each Instance.
+  The number of advertising events is calculated by dividing the Duration value by the advertising interval. The advertising
+  interval is determined by the advertising parameters that are set for each Instance. The advertising interval is the maximum
+  of the advertising intervals set for each Instance.
+:Usage: **# interval [milliseconds]**
+Clear advertise config
+  Clear the advertise configuration. This will stop advertising if it is currently advertising.
+  If you want to change the advertise configuration while advertising you must first clear the advertise configuration
+  and then set the new advertise configuration.
+:Usage: **# clear [uuids/service/manufacturer/config-name...]**
+Return to main menu
+:Usage: **# back**
+Display version
+:Usage: **# version**
+Quit program
+:Usage: **# quit**
+Quit program
+:Usage: **# exit**
+Display help about this program
+:Usage: **# help**
+Print environment variables
+:Usage: **# export**
+A byte is defined as an octet
+{1}  `Generic Access Profile Assigned Numbers document <https://btprodspecificationrefs.blob.core.windows.net/assigned-numbers/Assigned%20Number%20Types/Generic%20Access%20Profile.pdf>`
diff --git a/client/bluetoothctl-endpoint.rst b/client/bluetoothctl-endpoint.rst
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+Endpoint Submenu
+:Version: BlueZ
+:Copyright: Free use of this software is granted under ther terms of the GNU
+            Lesser General Public Licenses (LGPL).
+:Date: November 2022
+:Manual section: 1
+:Manual group: Linux System Administration
+**bluetoothctl** [**-a** *capability*] [**-e**] [**-m**] [**-t** *seconds*] [**-v**] [**-h**]
+**bluetoothctl(1)** interactive bluetooth control tool. The tool works with Bluetooth Classic (BR/EDR) and Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) controllers.
+-a capability, --agent capability        Register agent handler: <capability>
+-e, --endpoints                  Register Media endpoints
+-m, --monitor                    Enable monitor output
+-t seconds, --timeout seconds    Timeout in seconds for non-interactive mode
+-v, --version       Display version
+-h, --help          Display help
+Endpoint Commands
+   We divide bluetoothctl into main menu commands and submenu commands. The submenu commands control options 
+   numbers for the commands can be hex (0x0F) or decimal (10)
+List available endpoints
+:Usage: **# list [local]**
+Endpoint information
+:Usage: **# show <endpoint>**
+Register Endpoint
+:Usage: **# register <UUID> <codec> [capabilities...]**
+Register Endpoint
+:Usage: **# unregister <UUID/object>**
+Configure Endpoint
+:Usage: **# config <endpoint> <local endpoint> [preset]**
+List available presets
+:Usage: **# presets <UUID> [default]**
+Return to main menu
+:Usage: **# back**
+Display version
+:Usage: **# version**
+Quit program
+:Usage: **# quit**
+Quit program
+:Usage: **# exit**
+Display help about this program
+:Usage: **# help**
+Print environment variables
+:Usage: **# export**
diff --git a/client/bluetoothctl-gatt.rst b/client/bluetoothctl-gatt.rst
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+Generic Attribute Submenu
+:Version: BlueZ
+:Copyright: Free use of this software is granted under ther terms of the GNU
+            Lesser General Public Licenses (LGPL).
+:Date: November 2022
+:Manual section: 1
+:Manual group: Linux System Administration
+**bluetoothctl** [**-a** *capability*] [**-e**] [**-m**] [**-t** *seconds*] [**-v**] [**-h**]
+-a capability, --agent capability        Register agent handler: <capability>
+-e, --endpoints                  Register Media endpoints
+-m, --monitor                    Enable monitor output
+-t seconds, --timeout seconds    Timeout in seconds for non-interactive mode
+-v, --version       Display version
+-h, --help          Display help
+   We divide bluetoothctl into main menu commands and submenu commands. The submenu commands control options 
+   numbers for the commands can be hex (0x0F) or decimal (10)
+Generic Attribute Commands
+List attributes
+:Usage: **# list-attributes <attribute/UUID>**
+Select attribute
+:Usage: **# select-attribute <attribute/UUID>**
+Select attribute
+:Usage: **# attribute-info [attribute/UUID]**
+Read attribute value
+:Usage: **# read [offset]**
+Write attribute value
+:Usage: **# write <data=xx xx ...> [offset] [type]**
+Acquire Write file descriptor
+:Usage: **# acquire-write**
+Release Write file descriptor
+:Usage: **# release-write**
+Acquire Notify file descriptor
+:Usage: **# acquire-notify**
+Release Notify file descriptor
+:Usage: **# release-notify**
+Notify attribute value
+:Usage: **# notify <on/off>**
+Clone a device or attribute
+:Usage: **# clone [dev/attribute/UUID]**
+Register profile to connect
+:Usage: **# register-application [UUID ...]**
+Unregister profile
+:Usage: **# unregister-application**
+Register application service.
+:Usage: **# register-service <UUID> [handle]**
+Unregister application service
+:Usage: **# unregister-service <UUID/object>**
+Register as Included service in.
+:Usage: **#r egister-includes <UUID> [handle]**
+Unregister Included service.
+:Usage: **# unregister-includes <Service-UUID><Inc-UUID>**
+Register application characteristic
+:Usage: **# register-characteristic <UUID> <Flags=read,write,notify...> [handle]**
+Unregister application characteristic
+:Usage: **# unregister-characteristic <UUID/object>**
+Register application descriptor
+:Usage: **# register-descriptor <UUID> <Flags=read,write...> [handle]**
+Unregister application descriptor
+:Usage: **# unregister-descriptor <UUID/object>**
+Return to main menu
+:Usage: **# back**
+Display version
+:Usage: **# version**
+Quit program
+:Usage: **# quit**
+Quit program
+:Usage: **# exit**
+Display help about this program
+:Usage: **# help**
+Print environment variables
+:Usage: **# export**
diff --git a/client/bluetoothctl-player.rst b/client/bluetoothctl-player.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96960c45b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/bluetoothctl-player.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+Media Player Submenu
+:Version: BlueZ
+:Copyright: Free use of this software is granted under ther terms of the GNU
+            Lesser General Public Licenses (LGPL).
+:Date: November 2022
+:Manual section: 1
+:Manual group: Linux System Administration
+**bluetoothctl** [**-a** *capability*] [**-e**] [**-m**] [**-t** *seconds*] [**-v**] [**-h**]
+**bluetoothctl(1)** interactive bluetooth control tool. The tool works with Bluetooth Classic (BR/EDR) and Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) controllers.
+-a capability, --agent capability        Register agent handler: <capability>
+-e, --endpoints                  Register Media endpoints
+-m, --monitor                    Enable monitor output
+-t seconds, --timeout seconds    Timeout in seconds for non-interactive mode
+-v, --version       Display version
+-h, --help          Display help
+Media Player Commands
+   We divide bluetoothctl into main menu commands and submenu commands. The submenu commands control options 
+   numbers for the commands can be hex (0x0F) or decimal (10)
+List available players
+:Usage: **# list**
+Show player information
+:Usage: **# show [player]**
+Select default player
+:Usage: **# select <player>**
+Start playback
+:Usage: **# play [item]**
+Pause playback
+:Usage: **# pause**
+Stop playback
+:Usage: **# stop**
+Jump to next item
+:Usage: **# next**
+Jump to previous item
+:Usage: **# previous**
+Fast forward playback
+:Usage: **# fast-forward**
+Rewind playback
+:Usage: **# rewind**
+Enable/Disable equalizer
+:Usage: **# equalizer <on/off>**
+Set repeat mode
+:Usage: **# repeat <singletrack/alltrack/group/off>**
+Set shuffle mode
+:Usage: **# shuffle <alltracks/group/off>**
+Set scan mode
+:Usage: **# scan <alltracks/group/off>**
+Change current folder
+:Usage: **# change-folder <item>**
+List items of current folder
+:Usage: **# list-items [start] [end]**
+Search items containing string
+:Usage: **# search <string>**
+Add item to playlist queue
+:Usage: **# queue <item>**
+Show item information
+:Usage: **# show-item <item>**
+Return to main menu
+:Usage: **# back**
+Display version
+:Usage: **# version**
+Quit program
+:Usage: **# quit**
+Quit program
+:Usage: **# exit**
+Display help about this program
+:Usage: **# help**
+Print environment variables
+:Usage: **# export**
diff --git a/client/bluetoothctl-scan.rst b/client/bluetoothctl-scan.rst
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+Scan Submenu
+:Version: BlueZ
+:Copyright: Free use of this software is granted under ther terms of the GNU
+            Lesser General Public Licenses (LGPL).
+:Date: July 2023
+:Manual section: 1
+:Manual group: Linux System Administration
+**bluetoothctl** [**-a** *capability*] [**-e**] [**-m**] [**-t** *seconds*] [**-v**] [**-h**] [scan.commands]
+-a capability, --agent capability        Register agent handler: <capability>
+-e, --endpoints                  Register Media endpoints
+-m, --monitor                    Enable monitor output
+-t seconds, --timeout seconds    Timeout in seconds for non-interactive mode
+-v, --version       Display version
+-h, --help          Display help
+Scan Commands
+   The scan commands control options numbers for the commands can be hex (0x0F) or decimal (10)
+Set/Get UUIDs filter
+:Usage: **# uuids [all/uuid1 uuid2 ...]**
+Set/Get RSSI filter, and clears pathloss
+This sets the minimum rssi value for reporting device advertisements. The value is in dBm.
+Example: To only show devices with rssi values greater than or equal to -60 dBm, use `scan.rssi -60`.
+If one or more discovery filters have been set, the RSSI delta-threshold imposed by starting discovery by default will not be applied.
+:Usage: **# rssi [rssi]**
+Set/Get Pathloss filter, and clears RSSI
+This sets the maximum pathloss value for reporting device advertisements. The value is in dB.
+Example: To only show devices with pathloss values less than or equal to 4 dB, use `scan.pathloss 4`.
+If one or more discovery filters have been set, the RSSI delta-threshold imposed by starting discovery by default will not be applied.
+:Usage: **# pathloss [pathloss]**
+Set/Get transport filter
+Transport parameter determines the type of scan. The default is auto.
+Possible values:
+- "auto": interleaved scan
+- "bredr": BR/EDR inquiry
+- "le": LE scan only
+If "le" or "bredr" Transport is requested and the controller doesn't support it, an org.bluez.Error.Failed error will be returned. If "auto" transport is requested, the scan will use LE, BREDR, or both, depending on what's currently enabled on the controller. 
+Set/Get duplicate data filter
+Disables duplicate detection of advertisement data. When enabled, PropertiesChanged signals will be generated for ManufacturerData and ServiceData every time they are discovered.
+:Usage: **# duplicate-data [on/off]**
+Set/Get discoverable filter
+Makes the adapter discoverable while discovering. If the adapter is already discoverable, setting this filter won't have any effect.
+:Usage: **# discoverable [on/off]**
+Set/Get pattern filter
+Discover devices where the pattern matches either the prefix of the address or the device name, which is a convenient way to limit the number of device objects created during a discovery.
+When set, it disregards device discoverable flags.
+Note: The pattern matching is ignored if there are other clients that don't set any pattern, as it works as a logical OR. Also, setting an empty string "" pattern will match any device found.
+:Usage: **# pattern [value]**
+Clears discovery filter
+:Usage: **# clear [uuids/rssi/pathloss/transport/duplicate-data/discoverable/pattern]**
+Return to the main menu
+:Usage: **# back**
+Display version
+:Usage: **# version**
+Quit program
+:Usage: **# quit**
+Quit program
+:Usage: **# exit**
+Display help about this program
+:Usage: **# help**
+Print environment variables
+:Usage: **# export**
diff --git a/client/bluetoothctl-transport.rst b/client/bluetoothctl-transport.rst
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index 000000000..3dd4d4a75
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+Media Transport Submenu
+:Version: BlueZ
+:Copyright: Free use of this software is granted under ther terms of the GNU
+            Lesser General Public Licenses (LGPL).
+:Date: November 2022
+:Manual section: 1
+:Manual group: Linux System Administration
+**bluetoothctl** [**-a** *capability*] [**-e**] [**-m**] [**-t** *seconds*] [**-v**] [**-h**]
+**bluetoothctl(1)** interactive bluetooth control tool. The tool works with Bluetooth Classic (BR/EDR) and Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) controllers.
+-a capability, --agent capability        Register agent handler: <capability>
+-e, --endpoints                  Register Media endpoints
+-m, --monitor                    Enable monitor output
+-t seconds, --timeout seconds    Timeout in seconds for non-interactive mode
+-v, --version       Display version
+-h, --help          Display help
+Media Transport Commands
+   We divide bluetoothctl into main menu commands and submenu commands. The submenu commands control options 
+   numbers for the commands can be hex (0x0F) or decimal (10)
+List available transports
+:Usage: **# list**
+Show transport information
+:Usage: **# show <transport>**
+Acquire transport
+:Usage: **# acquire <transport> [transport1...]**
+Release transport
+:Usage: **# release <transport> [transport1...]**
+Send contents of a file
+:Usage: **# send <transport> <filename>**
+Get/Set file to receive
+:Usage: **# receive <transport> [filename]**
+Get/Set transport volume
+:Usage: **# volume <transport> [value]**
+Return to main menu
+:Usage: **# back**
+Display version
+:Usage: **# version**
+Quit program
+:Usage: **# quit**
+Quit program
+:Usage: **# exit**
+Display help about this program
+:Usage: **# help**
+Print environment variables
+:Usage: **# export**
diff --git a/client/bluetoothctl.rst b/client/bluetoothctl.rst
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+interactive bluetooth control tool
+:Version: BlueZ
+:Copyright: Free use of this software is granted under ther terms of the GNU
+            Lesser General Public Licenses (LGPL).
+:Date: November 2022
+:Manual section: 1
+:Manual group: Linux System Administration
+**bluetoothctl** [**-a** *capability*] [**-e**] [**-m**] [**-t** *seconds*] [**-v**] [**-h**]
+**bluetoothctl(1)** interactive bluetooth control tool. The tool works with Bluetooth Classic (BR/EDR) and Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) controllers. 
+The tool is menu driven but can be automated from the command line. Examples are given in the automation section. 
+-a capability, --agent capability        Register agent handler: <capability>
+-e, --endpoints                  Register Media endpoints
+-m, --monitor                    Enable monitor output
+-t seconds, --timeout seconds    Timeout in seconds for non-interactive mode
+-v, --version       Display version
+-h, --help          Display help
+   We divide bluetoothctl into main menu commands and submenu commands. The submenu commands can be found at their own pages which are listed below.
+   Submenu items can either be accessed with the menu option i.e. 'menu advertise' or directly from the main menu with dot notation i.e. 'advertise.tx-power on'
+menu advertise
+Advertise Options Submenu
+:Usage: **# menu advertise**
+menu monitor
+Advertisement Monitor Options Submenu
+:Usage: **# menu monitor**
+menu scan
+Scan Options Submenu
+:Usage: **# menu scan**
+menu gatt
+Generic Attribute Submenu
+:Usage: **# menu gatt**
+menu admin
+Admin Policy Submenu
+:Usage: **# menu admin**
+menu player
+Media Player Submenu
+:Usage: **# menu player**
+menu endpoint
+Media Endpoint Submenu
+:Usage: **# menu endpoint**
+menu transport
+Media Transport Submenu
+:Usage: **# menu transport**
+List available controllers
+:Usage: **# list**
+Controller information
+:Usage: **# show [ctrl]**
+Select default controller
+:Usage: **# select <ctrl>**
+List available devices, with an optional property as the filter
+:Usage: **# devices [Paired/Bonded/Trusted/Connected]**
+Set controller alias
+:Usage: **# system-alias <name>**
+Reset controller alias
+:Usage: **# reset-alias**
+Set controller power
+When the controller is powered off, the USB port the controller is attached to is put into a suspend state. When the controller is powered on the port is taken out of a suspend state and the controller is power cycled. Any firmware will be reloaded at this time.
+:Usage: **# power <on/off>**
+Enable/disable advertising with given type
+Will start advertising. If you exit the program advertising will be disabled. When advertising the controller should advertise with random address but may use its public address if it does not support the feature (address of the device)
+A device can advertise if it initiated the connection to another advertising device.
+When advertising the controller will always advertise with the connectable option.
+:Usage: **# advertise <on/off/type>**
+Set device alias
+:Usage: **# set-alias <alias>**
+Scan for devices
+  For LE, scanning is an important requirement before connecting or pairing. The purpose of scanning is to find devices 
+  that are advertising with their discoverable flag set (either limited or general). Once you have found the address
+  then you can connect or pair. Note the following when scanning:
+  - When scanning the controller will use a random address that is not resolvable. A new random address is created every time scan on is used. 
+  - When turning on scanning the device will start receiving advertising reports of what devices are advertising.
+  - The filtering of duplicate advertising reports is enabled.
+  - The scan interval and scan window are fixed at 11.250 msec. 
+  - You do get advertising reports from nondiscoverable devices.
+  - Scan reports have a finite time duration and will expire. If they expire you will need to scan again before connecting or pairing.
+:Usage: **# scan <on/off/bredr/le>**
+Pair with device
+This will pair with a device and then trust and connect to it. If the device is already paired this will first remove the pairing.
+Pairing provides authentication or encryption. The command can either be used while the controller is in the connected or not connected state. 
+If the controller is already connected then the pair command can be used without an arguments. If the controller is not connected, the pair 
+command can be given the address of a device with an active scan report and it will initiate the connection before pairing. 
+Before pairing the agent must be selected to choose the authentication mechanism.
+:Usage: **# pair <dev>**
+Set controller pairable mode
+This enables/disables pairing. If pairing is disabled then the controller will not accept any pairing requests.
+:Usage: **# pairable <on/off>**
+Set discoverable mode
+This enables/disables discoverable mode. If discoverable is disabled then the controller will not respond to any scan requests.
+In LE if discoverable if off the controller will just passively scan and not make scan requests to advertising devices. If on it will make the advertising requests.
+It will use a random address if supported by the controller. The length of time "discoverable on" is valid is determined by discoverable-timeout
+:Usage: **# discoverable <on/off>**
+Set discoverable timeout
+The time in seconds that "discoverable on" is valid.
+:Usage: **# discoverable-timeout [value]**
+Enable/disable agent with given capability
+This chooses the local authentication mechanism of the controller. It is needed for pairing and allows you to choose the IO capabilities of the controller.
+The valid agent capabilities are: DisplayOnly, DisplayYesNo, KeyboardDisplay, KeyboardOnly, NoInputNoOutput.
+:Usage: **# agent <on/off/capability>**
+Set agent as the default one
+After selecting the agent this will make it the default agent
+:Usage: **# default-agent**
+Trust device
+:Usage: **# trust <dev>**
+Untrust device
+:Usage: **# untrust <dev>**
+Block device
+:Usage: **# block <dev>**
+Unblock device
+:Usage: **# unblock <dev>**
+Remove device
+:Usage: **# remove <dev>**
+Connect device
+This will initiate a connection to a device. If the device is not paired this will first pair and then trust and connect to it.
+To connect with a device the controller must have an active scan report of the device it wants to connect to. The advertising report can be obtained either by using the scan command
+otherwise the connect command will issue a HCI_LE_Set_Extended_Scan_Enable to find the device. If no advertising report is received before the timeout a le-connection-abort-by-local
+error will be issued. In that case either try again to connect assuming the device is advertising.
+:Usage: **# connect <dev>**
+Disconnect device
+For LE when disconnecting from an active connection the device address is not needed.
+:Usage: **# disconnect <dev>**
+Device information
+:Usage: **# info <dev>**
+Menu option
+This will allow you to access the submenu options directly from the main menu. The submenu options are listed below.
+:Usage: **# menu <submenu>**
+Display version
+:Usage: **# version**
+Quit program
+:Usage: **# quit**
+Display help
+:Usage: **# help**
+Exit program
+:Usage: **# exit**
+Print environment variable
+:Usage: **# export**
+See bluetoothctl-advertise
+See bluetoothctl-monitor
+See bluetoothctl-scan
+See bluetoothctl-gatt
+See bluetoothctl-admin
+See bluetoothctl-player
+See bluetoothctl-endpoint
+See bluetoothctl-transport
+| To pair scanning must first be turned on to get the devices advertising report.
+Two common ways to automate the tool are to use Here Docs or the program expect.
+Using Here Docs to show information about the Bluetooth controller.
+.. code:: bash
+   bluetoothctl <<EOF
+   list
+   show
+   EOF

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