Branch: refs/heads/master Home: Commit: 8ff103f9939798521f06d36dd7bf4e0f7fc2dd08 Author: Iulia Tanasescu <iulia.tanasescu@xxxxxxx> Date: 2023-05-30 (Tue, 30 May 2023) Changed paths: M tools/isotest.c M tools/isotest.rst Log Message: ----------- isotest: Add support for creating/synchronizing to multiple BISes This adds an additional command line option for the Broadcast exercise, so that the user can indicate the number of BISes to create as part of a BIG (Broadcast Source), or the number of BISes to synchronize to (Broadcast Sink). For the Broadcast Source exercise, issue the following command, in order to create a BIG with handle 0x01, associated with the advertising handle 0x01, with 2 BISes: tools/isotest -i hci0 -s 00:00:00:00:00:00 -N 2 -G 1 -T 1 The isotest and btmon logs will look something like this: isotest[7178]: mgmt socket: fd 3 isotest[7178]: mgmt_set_le: err 0 isotest[7178]: mgmt_set_experimental: err 0 isotest[7179]: Exit isotest[7178]: Connecting 00:00:00:00:00:00 ... isotest[7178]: Connected [00:00:00:00:00:00] isotest[7178]: QoS [BIG 0x01 BIS 0x01 Packing 0x00 Framing 0x00 Encryption 0x00] isotest[7178]: Input QoS [Interval 10000 us Latency 10 ms SDU 0 PHY 0x00 RTN 2] isotest[7178]: Output QoS [Interval 10000 us Latency 10 ms SDU 40 PHY 0x02 RTN 2] isotest[7178]: Connecting 00:00:00:00:00:00 ... isotest[7178]: Connected [00:00:00:00:00:00] isotest[7178]: QoS [BIG 0x01 BIS 0x01 Packing 0x00 Framing 0x00 Encryption 0x00] isotest[7178]: Input QoS [Interval 10000 us Latency 10 ms SDU 0 PHY 0x00 RTN 2] isotest[7178]: Output QoS [Interval 10000 us Latency 10 ms SDU 40 PHY 0x02 RTN 2] isotest[7183]: Sending ... isotest[7183]: Number of packets: 1 isotest[7183]: Socket jitter buffer: 80 buffer isotest[7183]: [seq 0] 40 bytes buffered 92 (3712 bytes) isotest[7184]: Sending ... isotest[7184]: Number of packets: 1 isotest[7184]: Socket jitter buffer: 80 buffer isotest[7184]: [seq 0] 40 bytes buffered 92 (3712 bytes) isotest[7178]: Exit < HCI Command: LE Create Broadcast Isochronous Group (0x08|0x0068) plen 31 Handle: 0x01 Advertising Handle: 0x01 Number of BIS: 2 SDU Interval: 10000 us (0x002710) Maximum SDU size: 40 Maximum Latency: 10 ms (0x000a) RTN: 0x02 PHY: LE 2M (0x02) Packing: Sequential (0x00) Framing: Unframed (0x00) Encryption: 0x00 Broadcast Code: 00000000000000000000000000000000 > HCI Event: Command Status (0x0f) plen 4 LE Create Broadcast Isochronous Group (0x08|0x0068) ncmd 1 Status: Success (0x00) > HCI Event: LE Meta Event (0x3e) plen 23 LE Broadcast Isochronous Group Complete (0x1b) Status: Success (0x00) Handle: 0x01 BIG Synchronization Delay: 1974 us (0x0007b6) Transport Latency: 1974 us (0x0007b6) PHY: LE 2M (0x02) NSE: 3 BN: 1 PTO: 1 IRC: 3 Maximum PDU: 40 ISO Interval: 10.00 msec (0x0008) Connection Handle #0: 10 Connection Handle #1: 11 < HCI Command: LE Setup Isochronous Data Path (0x08|0x006e) plen 13 Handle: 10 Data Path Direction: Input (Host to Controller) (0x00) Data Path: HCI (0x00) Coding Format: Transparent (0x03) Company Codec ID: Ericsson Technology Licensing (0) Vendor Codec ID: 0 Controller Delay: 0 us (0x000000) Codec Configuration Length: 0 Codec Configuration: > HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 6 LE Setup Isochronous Data Path (0x08|0x006e) ncmd 1 Status: Success (0x00) Handle: 10 < HCI Command: LE Setup Isochronous Data Path (0x08|0x006e) plen 13 Handle: 11 Data Path Direction: Input (Host to Controller) (0x00) Data Path: HCI (0x00) Coding Format: Transparent (0x03) Company Codec ID: Ericsson Technology Licensing (0) Vendor Codec ID: 0 Controller Delay: 0 us (0x000000) Codec Configuration Length: 0 Codec Configuration: > HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 6 LE Setup Isochronous Data Path (0x08|0x006e) ncmd 1 Status: Success (0x00) Handle: 11 < ISO Data TX: Handle 10 flags 0x02 dlen 44 < ISO Data TX: Handle 11 flags 0x02 dlen 44 > HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5 Num handles: 1 Handle: 10 Count: 1 > HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5 Num handles: 1 Handle: 11 Count: 1 For the Broadcast Sink exercise, issue the following command, in order to synchronize to the BISes created by the source: tools/isotest -i hci1 -r 36:13:00:E1:1B:F0 -V le_random -N 2 -G 1 The flow is shown by the isotest log and the filtered btmon snippet below: isotest[4033]: mgmt socket: fd 3 isotest[4034]: Exit isotest[4033]: mgmt_set_le: err 0 isotest[4033]: mgmt_set_experimental: err 0 isotest[4033]: Waiting for connection 36:13:00:E1:1B:F0... isotest[4036]: Connected [36:13:00:E1:1B:F0] isotest[4036]: QoS [BIG 0x01 BIS 0x00 Packing 0x00 Framing 0x00 Encryption 0x00] isotest[4036]: Input QoS [Interval 1974 us Latency 10 ms SDU 40 PHY 0x00 RTN 0] isotest[4036]: Output QoS [Interval 0 us Latency 0 ms SDU 0 PHY 0x00 RTN 0] isotest[4036]: Receiving ... isotest[4037]: Connected [36:13:00:E1:1B:F0] isotest[4037]: QoS [BIG 0x01 BIS 0x00 Packing 0x00 Framing 0x00 Encryption 0x00] isotest[4037]: Input QoS [Interval 1974 us Latency 10 ms SDU 40 PHY 0x00 RTN 0] isotest[4037]: Output QoS [Interval 0 us Latency 0 ms SDU 0 PHY 0x00 RTN 0] isotest[4037]: Receiving ... isotest[4037]: [seq 0] 280 bytes in 6.48 sec speed 0.34 kb/s isotest[4036]: [seq 0] 280 bytes in 6.54 sec speed 0.33 kb/s isotest[4037]: [seq 1] 280 bytes in 7.01 sec speed 0.31 kb/s isotest[4036]: [seq 1] 280 bytes in 7.02 sec speed 0.31 kb/s isotest[4037]: [seq 2] 280 bytes in 7.06 sec speed 0.31 kb/s isotest[4036]: [seq 2] 280 bytes in 7.04 sec speed 0.31 kb/s < HCI Command: LE Periodic Advertising Create Sync (0x08|0x0044) plen 14 Options: 0x0000 Use advertising SID, Advertiser Address Type and address Reporting initially enabled SID: 0x00 Adv address type: Random (0x01) Adv address: 36:13:00:E1:1B:F0 (Non-Resolvable) Skip: 0x0000 Sync timeout: 163840 msec (0x4000) Sync CTE type: 0x0000 > HCI Event: Command Status (0x0f) plen 4 LE Periodic Advertising Create Sync (0x08|0x0044) ncmd 1 Status: Success (0x00) < HCI Command: LE Set Extended Scan Parameters (0x08|0x0041) plen 13 Own address type: Public (0x00) Filter policy: Ignore not in accept list (0x01) PHYs: 0x05 Entry 0: LE 1M Type: Passive (0x00) Interval: 60.000 msec (0x0060) Window: 30.000 msec (0x0030) Entry 1: LE Coded Type: Passive (0x00) Interval: 60.000 msec (0x0060) Window: 30.000 msec (0x0030) > HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 4 LE Set Extended Scan Parameters (0x08|0x0041) ncmd 1 Status: Success (0x00) < HCI Command: LE Set Extended Scan Enable (0x08|0x0042) plen 6 Extended scan: Enabled (0x01) Filter duplicates: Enabled (0x01) Duration: 0 msec (0x0000) Period: 0.00 sec (0x0000) > HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 4 LE Set Extended Scan Enable (0x08|0x0042) ncmd 1 Status: Success (0x00) > HCI Event: LE Meta Event (0x3e) plen 16 LE Periodic Advertising Sync Established (0x0e) Status: Success (0x00) Sync handle: 0 Advertising SID: 0x00 Advertiser address type: Random (0x01) Advertiser address: 36:13:00:E1:1B:F0 (Non-Resolvable) Advertiser PHY: LE 2M (0x02) Periodic advertising interval: 10.00 msec (0x0008) Advertiser clock accuracy: 0x00 > HCI Event: LE Meta Event (0x3e) plen 8 LE Periodic Advertising Report (0x0f) Sync handle: 0 TX power: 127 dbm (0x7f) RSSI: -47 dBm (0xd1) CTE Type: No Constant Tone Extension (0xff) Data status: Complete Data length: 0x00 > HCI Event: LE Meta Event (0x3e) plen 20 LE Broadcast Isochronous Group Info Advertising Report (0x22) Sync Handle: 0x0000 Number BIS: 2 NSE: 3 ISO Interval: 10.00 msec (0x0008) BN: 1 PTO: 1 IRC: 3 Maximum PDU: 40 SDU Interval: 10000 us (0x002710) Maximum SDU: 40 PHY: LE 2M (0x02) Framing: Unframed (0x00) Encryption: 0x00 < HCI Command: LE Broadcast Isochronous Group Create Sync (0x08|0x006b) plen 26 BIG Handle: 0x01 BIG Sync Handle: 0x0000 Encryption: Unencrypted (0x00) Broadcast Code: 00000000000000000000000000000000 Maximum Number Subevents: 0x00 Timeout: 163840 ms (0x4000) Number of BIS: 2 BIS ID: 0x01 BIS ID: 0x02 > HCI Event: LE Meta Event (0x3e) plen 19 LE Broadcast Isochronous Group Sync Estabilished (0x1d) Status: Success (0x00) BIG Handle: 0x01 Transport Latency: 1974 us (0x0007b6) NSE: 3 BN: 1 PTO: 1 IRC: 3 Maximum PDU: 40 ISO Interval: 10.00 msec (0x0008) Connection Handle #0: 10 Connection Handle #1: 11 < HCI Command: LE Setup Isochronous Data Path (0x08|0x006e) plen 13 Handle: 10 Data Path Direction: Output (Controller to Host) (0x01) Data Path: HCI (0x00) Coding Format: Transparent (0x03) Company Codec ID: Ericsson Technology Licensing (0) Vendor Codec ID: 0 Controller Delay: 0 us (0x000000) Codec Configuration Length: 0 Codec Configuration: > HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 6 LE Setup Isochronous Data Path (0x08|0x006e) ncmd 1 Status: Success (0x00) Handle: 10 < HCI Command: LE Setup Isochronous Data Path (0x08|0x006e) plen 13 Handle: 11 Data Path Direction: Output (Controller to Host) (0x01) Data Path: HCI (0x00) Coding Format: Transparent (0x03) Company Codec ID: Ericsson Technology Licensing (0) Vendor Codec ID: 0 Controller Delay: 0 us (0x000000) Codec Configuration Length: 0 Codec Configuration: > HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 6 LE Setup Isochronous Data Path (0x08|0x006e) ncmd 1 Status: Success (0x00) Handle: 11 > ISO Data RX: Handle 10 flags 0x06 dlen 48 > ISO Data RX: Handle 11 flags 0x06 dlen 48 Commit: 97edc78bd81f7fe9ddac17feac69569ea64a215b Author: Iulia Tanasescu <iulia.tanasescu@xxxxxxx> Date: 2023-05-30 (Tue, 30 May 2023) Changed paths: M emulator/btdev.c Log Message: ----------- btdev: Support multiple BIS This adds support for creating a BIG with multiple BISes. Commit: 35d8c3b572dc20047edb6064edf9e0bd998896ad Author: Iulia Tanasescu <iulia.tanasescu@xxxxxxx> Date: 2023-05-30 (Tue, 30 May 2023) Changed paths: M tools/iso-tester.c Log Message: ----------- iso-tester: Add BAP Broadcast AC tests This adds the following tests based on BAP Broadcast Audio Configurations: ISO Broadcaster AC 12 - Success ISO Broadcaster AC 13 - Success ISO Broadcaster AC 14 - Success Commit: c39317ed42cbcdcf9330e3051743c87fc366125a Author: Iulia Tanasescu <iulia.tanasescu@xxxxxxx> Date: 2023-05-30 (Tue, 30 May 2023) Changed paths: M src/shared/bass.c Log Message: ----------- shared/bass: Add Write Without Response property to the CP characteristic This adds the Write Without Response property to the Broadcast Audio Scan Control Point characteristic, which is mandatory according to specification. Commit: 1248bdd432915e3cdac1561127aa723e2cf153be Author: Iulia Tanasescu <iulia.tanasescu@xxxxxxx> Date: 2023-05-30 (Tue, 30 May 2023) Changed paths: M A unit/test-bass.c Log Message: ----------- unit: Introduce test-bass This adds 3 unit tests for BASS server, to simulate the Generic GATT Integrated Test suite for BASS. Test Summary ------------ BASS/SR/SGGIT/SER/BV-01-C Passed BASS/SR/SGGIT/CHA/BV-01-C Passed BASS/SR/SGGIT/CHA/BV-02-C Passed Total: 3, Passed: 3 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0 Compare: