Dear all,
we are communicating with a headset-ish device that offers classic
bluetooth services and BLE characteristics in parallel.
We have code to talk to the Bluetooth classic part via bluetoothd/dbus,
and we have code for talking to the BLE parts based on the C-library /
gatt-client code ; both run in parallel for some time but not
super-stable, so I'd like to move the code over to a dbus version.
As the device starts advertising BLE characteristics only after a
classic connection has been established, it appears as a Bluetooth
classic device on the system bus, and I did not find a way to start GATT
discovery via the 'official' dbus-API.
I don't fear to tweak bluetoothd nor ~ctl, but would like to know if
someone already some development going in that direction?
VoXel Interaction Design |
DI Dr.techn. Simon Vogl |simon@xxxxxxxx
Tomaschekweg 46 | +43 650 2323 555
A-4040 Linz - Austria |
Office address: Industriezeile 35, 4020 Linz (2nd floor)