Hi Waldek,
On 9/13/2010 5:41 PM, Waldemar.Rymarkiewicz@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Suraj,
+ void Disconnect(string type)
+ This initiates a SAP disconnection from
SAP server.
+ The type parameter specifies the type
of disconnection.
+ "Graceful" -> lets the SAP client initiate a
+ garceful disconnection.
+ "Immediate" -> disconnects the connection
+ immediately from the server.
How agent will use this method? I mean when it is supposed to use gracefull and when immediate disconnection?
The agent will be in a better position to take this decision as it will
be interfacing between actual card reader and SAP server.
For example, if the agent is connected to an external card reader and
it has lost connection with the reader. It can ask for an Immediate
If disconnection was triggered by a user action, it can decide to call
this API with Graceful as the parameter.
+Signals PropertyChanged(string name, variant value)
+ This signal indicates a changed value
of the given
+ property.
Is the signal really needed? Who is interested in keeping track on properties?
One candidate would be when the MessageSize is changed.
Another one will be with the "SimStatus" property. It makes sense to
raise his signal after the server sends the STATUS IND response
But, it is a fact that most of the Properties are set by the Agent
itself. So agent will know that they have changed.
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