Re: HDP proposed api (ver 0.2)

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El Friday 07 May 2010 12:03:23 José Antonio Santos Cadenas escribió:
> El Friday 07 May 2010 01:49:10 escribió:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > On 05/05/2010, at 07:55, José Antonio Santos Cadenas wrote:
> > > Health Device Profile hierarchy
> > > ===============================
> > > 
> > > Service		org.bluez
> > > Interface	org.bluez.Hdp
> > > Object path	[variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}
> > > 
> > > Methods		object CreateSession(object path, dict config)
> > > 
> > > 			Returns the object path for the new HDP session.
> > > 			The path parameter is the path of the remote object
> > > 			with the callbacks to nofity events (see
> > > 			org.bluez.HdpAgent at the end of this document)
> > > 			This petition starts an mcap session and also register
> > > 			in the SDP is needed
> > > 			Dict is defined as bellow:
> > > 			{ "data_spec" : The data_spec is the data exchange
> > > 			
> > > 					specficication (see section 5.2.10 of
> > > 					the specification document),
> > > 					(optional)
> > 
> > Would be nice to include a "survival kit" about this 5.2.10, for
> > completeness. Like (normally = 0x01 [IEEE xxxxx], 0x00 = reserved, 0x02 =
> > other -- )
> I think that you mean to document the possible values that can be used
> here. We think its a good Idea.
> > > 			  "end_points" : [{ (optional)
> > > 				
> > > 				"mdepid" : uint8, (optional)
> > > 				"role" : uint8, (mandatory)
> > 
> > We could use strings there, 'source' or 'sink'?
> Good idea, its clearer for the user this way.
> > > 				"specs" :[{ (mandatory)
> > > 				
> > > 					"dtype" : uint16, (mandatory)
> > 
> > IMHO the key names may be more descriptive, like data_type. More about
> > this below.
> Ok with this too.
> > Another thing: as far as I understand, I may create a session, with
> > well-defined MDEP IDs, roles etc. but then choose not to publish a SDP
> > record. For example, I am an HDP source and want to have 5 MDEPs. An
> > additional bool dict key like 'export' or 'publish' (not sure about
> > correct BT nomenclature) would fit the bill.
> > 
> > "Forcing" a source to specify the MDEP IDs here, even if not publishing
> > the record, makes checks easier further.
> Not sure about that. Note that when you don't publish a SDP record, nobody
> could connect to you, so you won't receive data channel connections
> request, so you don't need to check if the mdeps are in use or not.
> > > 					"description" : string, (optional)
> > > 				
> > > 				}]
> > > 				
> > > 			  }]
> > > 			
> > > 			}
> > > 			
> > > 			if "data_spec" is not set, no SDP record will be
> > > 			registerd, so all the other data in the dictionary
> > > 			will be ignored
> > 
> > See comments above
> > 
> > > 			Session will be closed by the call or implicitly when
> > > 			the programs leaves the bus.
> > > 			
> > > 			Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments
> > > 		
> > > 		void DeleteSession(object path)
> > > 		
> > > 			Delete the HDP session identified by the object path.
> > > 			Also session will be closed if the procces that started
> > > 			it is removed from the D-Bus.
> > > 			
> > > 			Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments
> > > 			
> > > 					 org.bluez.Error.NotFound
> > > 		
> > > 		array remote_session_properties GetRemotesSessions()
> > 
> > typo
> > 
> > > 			Returns an array with the remote session_properties
> > > 			of all the visible devices.
> > > 			remote_session_properties is a dictionary like:
> > > 			[{"session_id": a_session_identification (int or string,
> > > 			
> > > 					 probably the SDP handler + btaddr)
> > > 			 
> > > 			 "data_spec" : the remote data spec,
> > > 			 
> > > 			 "end_points":
> > > 				 ["mdepid": uint8,
> > > 				 
> > > 				  "role"  : uint8,
> > > 				  "specs" : [{
> > > 				  
> > > 					  "dtype"	: uint16,
> > > 					  "description"	: string, (optional)
> > > 				  
> > > 				  }]
> > > 				 
> > > 				 ]
> > > 			
> > > 			}]
> > > 			
> > > 			Note that only remotes with a SDP record will be
> > > 			notified by this function.
> > 
> > I don't get the concept of "remote sessions" of the current proposal. I
> > understand the HDP session as a kind of "context" which holds the rest of
> > HDP elements (published records, connections etc.)
> > 
> > Perhaps you meant "SDP records of HDP devices"?
> Yes, but not only the record, also the session. This includes the mcl (mcap
> nomenclature) that can be connected to it and also all the data channel
> management.
> > If so, IMHO this method
> > should return just a list of device paths, which in turn would implement
> > a BlueZ HDP interface that supplies further information (like my API
> > proposal did).
> It's not a bad idea for requesting information, but we think that the
> connect method should be complicated. Note that the connections are
> performed between sessions, not between devices. So when you call the
> connect method, you will need to pass all this atributes:
> 	- Remote mdep_id
> 	- Configuration
> 	- Remote session_id
> 	- Local session
> > I see some spread between org.bluez.Hdp and org.bluez.HdpSession. IMHO
> > would be better to have just the context creation, as simple as possible,
> > in org.bluez.Hdp and have everything else in org.bluez.HdpSession. (I
> > still prefer the approach of "my" API, but I recognize that you are
> > accomodating the notion of multiple records per [process, device] tuple.)
> It could be a little bit estrange, but we think is necessary for the
> session support.
> > > -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > -- -------
> > > 
> > > Service		org.bluez
> > > Interface	org.bluez.HdpSession
> > > Object path	[variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/{hdp0,hdp1,...}
> > > 
> > > 		object Connect(remote_session_id)
> > > 		
> > > 			Connects with the remote session and returns its object
> > > 			path.
> > > 			
> > > 			Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments
> > > 			
> > > 					 org.bluez.Error.HdpError
> > > 		
> > > 		void Disconnect(object device, boolean delete)
> > > 		
> > > 			Disconnect from the remote device. If delete is true, any
> > > 			status will also be deleted. Otherwise, the status will
> > > 			be keeped for allowing future reconnections.
> > > 			
> > > 			Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments
> > > 			
> > > 					 org.bluez.Error.NotFound
> > > 					 org.bluez.Error.HdpError
> > > 
> > > -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > -- -------
> > > 
> > > Service		org.bluez
> > > Interface	org.bluez.HdpRemoteSession
> > > Object path	[variable
> > > prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/{hdp0,hdp1,...}/rem_session_id
> > 
> > IMHO "remote session" feels funny. "Device record" would sound better (it
> > is a device, so it is implied to be remote; and a record, which implies a
> > given SDP record).
> Yes, "remove session" is not a good name, but as we said above, the session
> is more than a device and a record. This class represent a connection
> between two session (the local and the remote) not just a remote device +
> SDP record. Imagine that a source without a SDP connects to a sink. The
> sink will need perform operations over data channels (except connect and
> reconnect because the sink don't know the remote psm's). So may be id
> should depend on the SDP id.
> > Also, I think that the device path (appended by an unique identifier of
> > the record) would be better. After all, that path already exists when
> > device is around.
> Using only the device path has a problem, the local session is not being
> taken in count. May be we could find a different representation of this,
> but we think that it should represent that this is a connection between
> two sessions, not between two devices or between a session and a device.
> > Perhaps you tried to accomodate the notion that a data channel ID
> > "survives" even if the device disappearrs for a short moment?
> Also this, remember that MCAP allow temporal disconnections to reestablish
> them in future connections to save state.
> > > 		boolean Echo(array{byte})
> > > 		
> > > 			Sends an echo petition to the remote session. Return True
> > > 			if response matches with the buffer sended. If some error
> > > 			is detected False value is returned and the associated
> > > 			MCL is closed.
> > 
> > Ok
> > 
> > > 		uint16 OpenDc(byte mdepid, byte config)
> > 
> > Could be OpenDataChannel?
> Of course :). It's more clear
> > > 			Creates a new data channel with the indicated config
> > > 			to the remote MCAP Data End Point (MDEP).
> > > 			The configuration should indicate the channel quality of
> > > 			service.
> > > 			Returns the data channel id.
> > > 			
> > > 			Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments
> > > 			
> > > 					 org.bluez.Error.HdpError
> > > 		
> > > 		file_descriptor GetDcFd(uint16 mdlid)
> > 
> > This FD should be delivered via HdpAgent exclusively. I have counted
> > three ways an application can receive an FD, IMHO there should be
> > exactly one.
> Yes, only one point sounds ok. Let's think about this. We think that first
> we should fixed the way the data will reach the l2cap socket from the
> application "crossing" dbus. We talked about fd-passing the l2cap socket
> but the pipe option may be also considered. Let's continue this in a
> different thread.
> > > 			Gets a file descriptor where data can be readed or
> > > 			writed for receive or sent by the data channel.
> > > 			Returns the file descriptor
> > > 			
> > > 			Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments
> > > 			
> > > 					 org.bluez.Error.NotFound
> > > 					 org.bluez.Error.HdpError
> > > 		
> > > 		void DeleteDc(uint16 mdlid)
> > 
> > DeleteDataChannel
> Ok
> > > 			Deletes a data channel so it will not be available for
> > > 			use.
> > > 			
> > > 			Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments
> > > 			
> > > 					 org.bluez.Error.NotFound
> > > 					 org.bluez.Error.HdpError
> > > 		
> > > 		void DeleteAllDc()
> > 
> > Could be overloaded with DeleteDataChannel with MDL ID = 0, perhaps, but
> > nothing incredibly important :)
> MDLID 0 is reserved in mcap. Could be 0xffff value, that is reserved in
> mcap for the delete all petition. But we think that using this we are
> passing mcap logic to the upper layer.
> > > 			Deletes all data channels so it will not be available
> > > 			for use. Typically this function is called when the
> > > 			connection with the remote device will be closed
> > > 			permanently
> > > 			
> > > 			Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.HdpError
> > > 		
> > > 		uint16 FirstRelDc()
> > > 		
> > > 			Returns the identificator of the first reliable data
> > > 			channel (ERTM) connected for this device.
> > > 			
> > > 			Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.HdpError
> > > 		
> > > 		uint16 GetBestEfforDc()
> > > 		
> > > 			Returns the id of a best effort (streamming) data
> > > 			channel if any.
> > > 			
> > > 			Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.NotFound
> > 
> > An use case would be good. In my vision, the application should just have
> > one way to get the whole data connection list, and do whatever it wants,
> > and not one new method for each type. We can e.g. guarantee that such
> > list is in order, so the application can trust e.g. the first reliable
> > channel on list to be what FirstRelDc() meant to return. (HDP mandates
> > the first data channel to be reliable anyway.)
> You are ok with this. Santiago sent 1 or 2 emails yesterday with proposals
> about this. 

I mean this messages:

> We think that the best approach is (like you suggested) one
> pettion that returns a dictionary of arrays sorted as you mentioned:
>  { "reliable": [id1, id2,...], "best_effort": [id3, id4, ...] }
> In this case, the first reliable will be id1.
> > > 		array getStatus()
> > > 		
> > > 			Returns an array with all the data channels available
> > > 			
> > > 			returned array:
> > > 			[uint16, ...]
> > > 			
> > > 			Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.NotFound
> > 
> > Available = connected, open (MDL ID has been created) or...?
> Available means all data channels that the user can use to send data.
> Connected or not (the applicaction does not know this status with implicit
> reconnections) where it can send data. We think that this petition can be
> removed and changed by the described above.
> > > HDPAgent hierarchy
> > > ==================
> > > 
> > > (this object is implemented by the HDP client an receives
> > > notifications)
> > > 
> > > Service         unique name
> > > Interface       org.bluez.HdpAgent
> > > Object path     freely definable
> > > 
> > > 		void DeviceConnected(object path)
> > > 		
> > > 			This method is called whenever a new device connection
> > > 			has been established over the control channel of the
> > > 			current HDP session. The objectpath contains the object
> > > 			path of the remote device.
> > > 		
> > > 		void DeviceDisconnected(object path)
> > > 		
> > > 			This method is called when a remote device is
> > > 			disconnected definitively. Any future reconnections
> > > 			will fail. Also all data channels associated to this
> > > 			device will be closed.
> > 
> > Perfect up to this part.
> > 
> > > 		void CreatedDc(object path, uint16 mdlid, filedescriptor fd)
> > 
> > Could be "DataChannelCreated"?
> Ok
> > > 			This method is called when a new data channel is created
> > > 			The path contains the object path of the device whith
> > > 			the new connection is created, the mdlid the data
> > > 			channel identificator and the fd is the file descriptor
> > > 			where the data can be readed or writed.
> > > 		
> > > 		void DeletedDc(object path, uint16 mdlid)
> > 
> > DataChannelDeleted?
> Ok
> > > 			This method is called when a data channel is closed.
> > > 			After this call the data channel will not be valid and
> > > 			can be reused for future created data channels.
> > > 		
> > > 		void DataReady(object path, uint16 mdlid, filedescriptor fd)
> > > 		
> > > 			This method is called when there is new data that can be
> > > 			readed in a data channel
> > 
> > This one I don't understand. It seems to duplicate the function of
> > CreatedDc, even the prototype is exactly the same. Has this something to
> > have with reconnections? (Even so, CreatedDc could be overloaded with
> > this.)
> This is related with reconnections but from the other side. When the remote
> reconnects and send data. Nevertheless we should fix the way the data flows
> (as mentioned above) before discuss this API issues.
> > > 		void RemoteSession(dict remote_session_properties)
> > > 		
> > > 			This methos is called when a new session is discorevered
> > > 			in a remote device. See Hdp.GetRemotes to know how the
> > > 			dictionary is formed.
> > 
> > Same comment about the concept of remote session.--
> Hope solved with the above comment.
> Regards
> --
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