Thank you, however the Peter solution (setting via ioctl) worked
perfectly, and it fit's with what I need, since all the clients are
already implemented via RFCOMM, I'll leave it like this for now, the
only issue is having to run it as root for setting the link mode, but I
can bypass this by using hciconfig before running the main server.
Or is there any configuration that can make a normal user change the
default link mode?
Thanks all once again.
Iain Hibbert wrote:
On Tue, 25 Aug 2009, Mateus Interciso wrote:
Hello, I have a very simple RFCOMM server that I adapted from an extremely
simple TCP echo server I've made for learning TCP, it's a simple fork()
server, and while the TCP server works perfeclty, the RFCOMM works only with 2
connected clients at the same time, and I'm failling to see the problem, can
someone help me?
You didn't post what the 'failure' was but for RFCOMM you can only have
one connection on a server channel (each RFCOMM channel corresponds to
an emulated serial port).
since a TCP connection is defined by the address and port at each end, the
Bluetooth equivalent is more likely to be a a L2CAP connection to a given
PSM which can support up to ~64k channels (though as the Peter Wippich
notes, the number of devices the radio can maintain connections with is
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