Well, we have a problem in the Linux platfform with BlueZ. The problem is
easy to explain:
We open a connexion (with bluetooth) with connect function (we use socket).
Every connexion make in his own thread. This connexions are with Obex Push
profile. This works without problems.
For the purposes of our applications, we need to cut this connection before
the terminal (reduced the time of the ask in the terminal: the user confirm
the sending). The call to connect function is blocking (because we need to
know if the user of the terminal can not connect errno==ECONNREFUSED).
fcntl(func->handlesocket, F_SETFL, fcntl(func->handlesocket, F_GETFL,0) &
func->refused = false;
error = connect(func->handlesocket, (struct sockaddr *)&rem_addr,
if(errno==ECONNREFUSED) func->refused = true;
The problem is: How cancel this block connexion make with connect function?
If we call to this code (in other thread) the connect function waits to
timeout of the terminal...
fcntl(handlesocket, F_SETFL, fcntl(handlesocket, F_GETFL,0) & ~O_NONBLOCK);
handlesocket = -1;
The same code in Microsoft Windows Stack of Bluetooth "cancel" the connect
Any idea?
Thanks in advanced for your time ....
Best Regards,
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