Hello everybody, I have been periodically trying to get multiple audio sources to play together (dmixing) to a hifi bluetooth speaker system or hifi bluetooth headset. I am using only alsa and no pulseaudio, esd, jack, mas of something else just alsa with asoundrc configuration files and no graphical environment. Can somebody show me an example asoundrc config file to make it possible to use software audio mixing with my bluetooth devices. If this is currently not possible, please tell why and what we can do about it. I am willing to donate some payal money to the person providing me with a working asoundrc configuration file that allows me to play multiple audio sources at the same time. Thanks in advance, Jelle
pcm.headset { type bluetooth #~ device 00:0D:18:A0:35:70 #~ device 00:53:53:FB:7E:9C # Nokia BH-801 device 00:0C:55:D1:C9:78 # Motorola S805 #~ device 00:0D:FD:18:6E:3C # Motorola S9 #~ device 20:07:09:15:A9:5A # Samsung WEP210 profile hifi #~ profile voice #~ profile auto mode stereo #~ mode joint } pcm.softvol { type softvol slave.pcm headset control.name Headset control.card 0 } pcm.!default { #~ type hw #~ card 0 type plug slave.pcm softvol }