Hi Raymond,
I notice that, in obex-client, we create the org.openobex.Client
interface under path "/".
It's the same as org.openobex.manager in obexd.
While, when create new session for say FTP, Obexd put Session
interface under path "/session*" , and obex client put the Session
interface under path "/org/openobex/Session*"
And this will make the introspect function on client: dbus-send --
print-reply --dest=org.openobex.client /
org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable.Introspect fail to show the node
for /org/openobex/Session* (but dbus-send --print-reply --
dest=org.openobex.client /org
org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable.Introspect will work)
While for obexd: dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.openobex /
org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable.Introspect can show the node
for /Session*.
So, can we change the path for org.openobex.Client and register it
under path "/org/openobex/Client"? Or we register session, FTP
interfaces under root path like that in the obexd? Either way can
solve the introspect problem.
we can put the object path wherever we want. That is the whole point
of having a manager interface to discover/create them. The API
specification mentions "variable prefix" for a really good reason. So
whatever is broken here, the fix is not to change the object path. We
have to fix the broken introspection.
Also I don't see your issue here. So you are saying that within obex-
client when you introspect / that you are not getting /org in the list
of paths.
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