Dear all. Could you explain how to discover remote devices without periodic inquiry ? When I send dbus command “dbus-send --system --type=method_call --dest="org.bluez" /org/bluez/hci0 org.bluez.Adapter.StartDiscovery“, Bluetooth module starts periodic search. I just want only normal search. Even though I have an experience of Bluez 3.x. it's not easy to use BlueZ 4.x API. Somebody’s little help could be very helpful. Thank & Regards Chanyeol-Park Engineer Mobile S/W Platform Lab. Telecommunication R&D Center SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Tel : +82-31-279-5941 Mobile : +82-10-9978-5941 E-mail : chanyeol.park@xxxxxxxxxxx ÿ淸º{.nÇ+돴윯돪†+%듚ÿ깁負¥Šwÿº{.nÇ+돴¥Š{깰¹nzÚ(¶â왲^n‡r⊆¦zË곷h솳鈺Ú&{àz요z받쀺+€Ê+zf"·hš닱~넮녬iÿÿï곴ÿ묎çz_溫æj:+v돣þ)山øm