On Tue, Jul 05, 2022 at 09:39:32PM -0500, gjoyce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > From: Greg Joyce <gjoyce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > > When IOC_OPAL_DISCOVERY is called, the opal_discovery structure is > passed down to the "discovery0" step, instead of NULL for the > normal cases during all other commands. The processing of the > received discovery data in opal_discovery0_end() then checks for > a non-NULL structure pointer, and if found will copy the raw > discovery data to the provided user buffer. If the user buffer is NULL > then no data is copied. If the user buffer is too small, then not > all data is copied. In all cases, the return value is the length > of the actual data received from the drive. You don't need to describe what you do, everyone familar with C can discover that themsevels. Explain why you do it.