On 4/27/22 02:57, Mikulas Patocka wrote:
[+ Mikulas and Ming]
I see. Thank you for the response, Kuai, appreciate it.
The conversation here https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://lkml.org/lkml/2020/3/24/1870__;!!GjvTz_vk!US3LozmCgynsWtz-1LkwhFPTXfY0XZNT7XKAw9GSNjZn0JkehqevMU7StsFKkjsS9b1hfGRsOCu0e1E$ hints at
potential improvements to io_ticks tracking.
@Mikulas, Mike, please let us know if you have plans for more accurate
accounting or if there is some idea we can work on and submit a patch.
I know that the accounting is not accurate, but more accurate accounting
needed a shared atomic variable and it caused performance degradation. So,
we don't plan to improve the accounting.
Thanks this is all very helpful.
If we know the accounting is not accurate then is there any reason to
keep it around? What value is it providing? Also, should we update tools
that use ioticks like iostat to report that disk utilization is
deprecated and should not be referred to going forward?