On Wed, 2018-12-05 at 23:37 +-0800, Weiping Zhang wrote: +AD4 +AEAAQA -130,7 +-119,7 +AEAAQA void blk+AF8-add+AF8-timer(struct request +ACo-req) +AD4 +ACo than an existing one, modify the timer. Round up to next nearest +AD4 +ACo second. +AD4 +ACo-/ +AD4 - expiry +AD0 blk+AF8-rq+AF8-timeout(round+AF8-jiffies+AF8-up(expiry))+ADs +AD4 +- expiry +AD0 round+AF8-jiffies+AF8-up(expiry)+ADs If you would have read the comment above this code, you would have known that this patch does not do what you think it does and additionally that it introduces a regression. Bart.