On Thu, 2018-11-29 at 18:22 +-0800, Weiping Zhang wrote: +AD4 add documentation for /sys/block/+ADw-disk+AD4-/queue/io+AF8-timeout Patch descriptions should consist of full sentences. That means that these should start with a capital letter and end with a period. +AD4 +- +AD4 +-What: /sys/block/+ADw-disk+AD4-/queue/io+AF8-timeout +AD4 +-Date: November 2018 +AD4 +-Contact: Weiping Zhang +ADw-zhangweiping+AEA-didiglobal.com+AD4 +AD4 +-Description: +AD4 +- io+AF8-timeout is the timeout in milliseconds of a request in +AD4 +- block layer. The block layer will start a timer when low +AD4 +- level device driver start the request, and cancel timer +AD4 +- when request completes. The grammar of that explanation needs to be improved ... I can spot three grammatical issues. Thanks, Bart.