Re: [PATCH v2] bcache: Add support for live resize of backing devices

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> 2023年2月22日 16:53,Andrea Tomassetti <andrea.tomassetti-opensource@xxxxxxxx> 写道:
> When a disk changes size, udev rules are fired and register_bcache
> function get called. With this patch, every time this happens, the
> disk's capacity get checked: if it has changed then the new
> bch_update_capacity function get called, otherwise it fails as before.
> Signed-off-by: Andrea Tomassetti <andrea.tomassetti-opensource@xxxxxxxx>

Hi Andrea,

Thank you for the update.

I will start to do more testing for the patches from you and Zheming.

Coly Li

> ---
> Hi Coly,
> this is the second version of the patch. As you correctly pointed out,
> I implemented roll-back functionalities in case of error.
> I'm testing this funcionality using QEMU/KVM vm via libvirt.
> Here the steps:
>  1. make-bcache --writeback -B /dev/vdb -C /dev/vdc
>  2. mkfs.xfs /dev/bcache0
>  3. mount /dev/bcache0 /mnt
>  3. dd if=/dev/random of=/mnt/random0 bs=1M count=1000
>  4. md5sum /mnt/random0 | tee /mnt/random0.md5
>  5. [HOST] virsh blockresize <vm-name> --path <disk-path> --size <new-size>
>  6. xfs_growfs /dev/bcache0
>  6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 with a different file name (e.g. random1.md5)
>  7. umount/reboot/remount and check that the md5 hashes are correct with
>        md5sum -c /mnt/random?.md5

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