Hi. This is the procedure I used for resize one backing device with btrfs filesystem from 1 to 10 GB. The technique used is - Move the start of the partition forward (offset 8192) and set the partition type. - Perform the resize. - Move back the beginning of the partition and reset the partition type. Backup data!! The backing device /dev/sdc7 is a last logical partition with btrfs filesystem. Stopping bcacheX device and/or unregister /dev/sdc7 backing device. With bcache show verify that the device is no longer in use. parted /dev/sdc unit B print 7 574412029952B 575491014655B logical bd 0 574412029952B 575491014655B logical fs 8192 574412038144B 575491014655B logical btrfs parted /dev/sdc unit B print rm 7 mkpart logical btrfs 574412038144B 575491014655B quit reboot gparted resize partition parted /dev/sdc unit B print 7 574412038144B 585151545343B logical btrfs fs 8192 574412038144B 585151545343B logical btrfs bd 0 574412029952B 585151545343B logical parted /dev/sdc unit B print rm 7 mkpart logical 574412029952B 585151545343B quit gdb