I have the following problem.
I used bcache on a computer with one hard drive and one small ssd.
(openSUSE 13.2)
this computer broke, it do not boot anymore. I could only recover the
hard drive that seems perfectly working - I can read all the partitions
but the bcache one.
is there any way to read the bcache partition content? As far as I know,
the computer was shut down properly (it broke because somebody walked on
it :-).
right now this is only a theoretical question (the problem is real, but
there is nothing important on the bcache partition), but what I read on
the net let me think this is not a trivial thing. If the disk content
can't be recovered, I wont anymore use bcache :-(.
right now I get a "file system unknown" when I try to mount the bcache
thanks for your help
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