Before the patch goes upstream I need it tested so I know if it fixes
the actual issue or not.
We have been using the rcu_sched patch and the cond_resched patch together
(both attached) since November 3rd on 3.17.2 without any bcache
backtraces. bcache is running in writeback mode. The server is
predominantly write-only with relatively few reads.
Is the rcu_sched patch supposed to help the same or a totally different
problem? Means: should I also apply it, rebuild the module and reboot
(resetting the test time to zero :-)
The second backtrace mentioned on this link is the issue that I believe is
fixed with the rcu_sched patch:
The error starts with a message like "INFO: rcu_sched self-detected stall
on CPU"
I had the "deadly" soft lockup once per week since updating to
3.16/3.17, so I can only tell if it might help in two weeks earliest.
To sum up, the attached two patches (plus the for-jens pull) have fixed all
of our bcache problems since 3.14.y. These patches on 3.17.2 seem quite stable.
That's good to hear :-)
Best regards,
Stefan Seyfried
Linux Consultant & Developer -- GPG Key: 0x731B665B
B1 Systems GmbH
Osterfeldstra?e 7 / 85088 Vohburg /
GF: Ralph Dehner / Unternehmenssitz: Vohburg / AG: Ingolstadt,HRB 3537
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