About the licensing & copyright: I emailed Gabriel and Kent Overstreet
on 2014-06-02 but did not get a reply. I admit though that I didn't
follow up afterwards.
On 2014-09-17 05:55, Robie Basak wrote:
As far as I know this is the status of the git trees:
1) http://evilpiepirate.org/git/bcache-tools.git
Original sources, no changes in a while.
2) git://github.com/g2p/bcache-tools.git
First clone by Gabriel, contains work and bugfixes to the bcache-tools
userland and some initial Debian packaging.
3) git://github.com/squisher/bcache-tools.git
My work on Debian packaging. I set Vcs-Git to g2p's version instead of
mine because that seems to be the most active upstream repository. I
thought this was relevant for uscan, but obviously I was wrong (as was
pointed out on mentors.debian.net).
4) git://github.com/basak/bcache-tools.git
Vcs-Git points to 2 (g2p). I also noted that the github branches seem
contain commits to the upstream source, too, that aren't present in the
"upstream" repository (1).
I thought that (1) is historic at this point and considered (2) the
upstream. I did not verify that though.
I would suggest to co-maintain the package on
I think it would be easiest to upload, since I think it's good to go
this will at least result in a definitive packaging state that we can
work from.
Fine by me.
In the meantime, I think branch 3 contained everything, so I cloned
one to add my two commits. To keep Vcs-Git correct g2p should pull my
commits, or else we can change Vcs-Git.
Right, see above.
So in summary:
1) Define and agree maintainers.
I'd like to get my feet wet and co-maintain, if you're interested.
2) g2p to pull my commits, or we agree to change Vcs-Git, or we drop
Vcs-Git for now.
I'd say point it at 3) or at collab-maint, if that's where the packaging
ends up being.
3) Upload. Either my colleague (James Page) can do it as he's already
reviewed the packaging itself, or someone else. Let me know if there
any objections to James uploading.
Bernd Zeimetz, I added him to the CC, was willing to sponsor the package
once it was ready. But since he has been pretty busy recently, I don't
think he'll object to James uploading. I definitely don't; it'd be
awesome to get this finally into the official repository!
4) Sort out which trees are canonical upstream and packaging branches,
and push all commits to those places.
I very much agree.
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