bcache-register is called from the provided udev rules in bcache-tools.
During boot it seams like some devices are registered multiple times,
which results in messages during boot. To suppress these messages I
redirect them to /dev/null in the following patch:
--- bcache-tools-20130820/bcache-register.register 2013-08-20
22:03:46.000000000 +0200
+++ bcache-tools-20130820/bcache-register 2013-08-25
21:31:11.707823194 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
-modprobe -qba bcache
-test -f /sys/fs/bcache/register && echo "$1" > /sys/fs/bcache/register
+# Utility script to be called from udev, so it's not monkey proof at
all. It's
+# sole purpose is to load the bcache kernel module whenever a bcache
device is
+# detected.
+/usr/sbin/modprobe -qba bcache
+test -f /sys/fs/bcache/register && echo "$1" > /sys/fs/bcache/register
I can imagine there's a more elegant solution, suggestions are welcome.
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