On Fri, Aug 08, 2014 at 08:46:54AM +0200, Raffaele Morelli wrote:Yes, the cumulative plots look less sexy but will give a better idea of
> Great tool, I finally leaved it untouched as cumulative probability it's
> enough for the scope*.
> My 0.02€: I would suggest to add a cli option for output filename, leaving
> 'ebur128-prob' as default if none is specified
dynamic range than a histogram. The 'loudness range' as displayed by
ebumeter and printed by ebur128 is actually computed from the (modified)
cumulative plots - details in the paper.
cumulative plot is way better to graphically compare two (or a bunch of) audio files dynamic.
statistician here ;-)
here's a few R lines to generate "sexy" plots, the script is supposed to be ran in the same dir where prob files are
# read prob files, a shell script is being used to create and rename prob files as outputted from ebur128
files <- list.files(".", "*.prob$")
# load prob files as tables in a list
data.list <- lapply(files, read.table)
# create an empty matrix
s<-matrix(nrow=751, ncol=length(files))
# loads cumulative probabilities into the matrix
for( i in 1:length(files)) {
s[,i]<- data.list[[i]]$V2
# matrix to dataframe and proper columns name
s2 <- as.data.frame(s)
colnames(s2) <- files
s2$dbs <- data.list[[1]]$V1 # add X-axis variable (dB)
# melt the data to a long format
df2 <- melt(data = "" id.vars = "dbs")
# plot, using the aesthetics argument 'colour'
g<-ggplot(data = "" aes(x = dbs, y = value, colour = variable)) + geom_line()
Next release will have the histograms as well, it's only a few chars extra
code, and the filename as you suggest.
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