Hmm - blacklist the wifi drivers? I understand that even when you're not
connected, they will still regularly scan for signals. I understand this
can take time and is not RT-friendly at all.
I have a dual-core netbook (non-RT kernel, it's borrowed). During the
day, it sits on my desk at work and plays music from a USB drive thru my
UCA-202 USB soundcard. When I close up at the end of the day, JACK will
show 9-11 xruns.
On 08/08/2013 11:09 PM, jwind wrote:
just for completeness:
after checking out the scarlett 18i8 with another system (a
i have some not so nice drop-outs in playback, which not seem to be related
to any latency settings. (-
tried to debug a bit, but could not find any errors in kernel- or device
does anyone know a good practice how to filter this?
thanks james for that hint.
j ,.
On 08.08.2013 20:59, Victor A. Stoichita wrote:
On 8 August 2013 00:51, Danni Coy <danni.coy@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:danni.coy@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
the Komplete Audio 6 is plug and play on Linux. It 4 inputs though
only two have preamps and is bus powered. The bundled native
instruments software will run under wine as a windows VST which is
a bonus.
Interesting! I'm also loking for a USB 2 interface and the KA6 seems
to fit my needs. It is advertised as being capable of very low
latencies. Did you have any experience of this on linux ?
On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 4:38 AM, James Stone <jamesmstone@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:jamesmstone@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 3:42 PM, William Light <wrl@xxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:wrl@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> occhi,
> any particular reason you want an interface with a separate
power plug?
> USB bus power will do most of what you want.
> personally, i currently have a focusrite scarlett 2i2, and
the 2i4 may
> suit your needs. the 2i2 is good, sounds fine, good latency.
I have a 2i4 - it only has 2 inputs though (as the name
suggests). It
is an excellent device overall, but I have been having some
teething troubles with kernel releases over 3.5. I am
providing bug
reports to the kernel devs and these problems (not being able
to start
at low latencies, audio system locking up) seem to be slowly being
addressed, but performance is not quite there yet for me, and
I would
suggest if you decided to get one of these devices, and are
by these bugs, you might experience less pain using the
earlier 3.5
series kernels for now. I think that this problem is not just
to the scarlett devices, and that other USB audio devices may be
similarly affected. Also, I think these issues may also be
USB-hardware (or BIOS?) dependent, so some people with the
same kernel
and audio device may not experience the same bugs.
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