Re: Gain and clipping wav -> lame

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Thanks again.  Things are looking much better now.  I embraced the
concept of not being able to predict this.  Turns out I have old
screwed up things that really benefitted from revisiting them and
cleaning them up.

Marc Lavall??e wrote on Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 04:45:48PM -0400: 
> Martin Cracauer <cracauer@xxxxxxxx> a ??crit :
> > Is there a way to hook up ebumeter to just an audio file or a stream
> > not associated with real time? It seems to come in a jack package
> > only.
> > 
> > Thanks again
> > Martin

That works.  Comes in the Debian ebumeter package, BTW.

But how do I translate the output to a required db or ratio

I have a file in front of me that was maxed out amplitude wise by
somebody else.  According to lame I needed --scale 0.64 to get it not
to clip in lame (should be 3.9 db).  Which, BTW was not the value it
first estimated that I would need.

ebur128 --lufs:
Integrated loudness:     -4.9 LUFS
Loudness range:           5.5 LU
Integrated threshold:   -13.0 LUFS
Range threshold:        -25.0 LUFS
Range min:               -8.6 LUFS
Range max:               -3.1 LUFS
Momentary max:           -1.2 LUFS
Short term max:          -2.4 LUFS

I don't see that any of the value correspond with what lame needed to
not clip over a collection of different loudness clips.  (means: some
clips that needed less --scale have higher numbers here and others
have lower)

I assume the ebumeter output is more for making things sound even
(between different pieces) and not directly a tool to max out
anything, is that right?

Martin Cracauer <cracauer@xxxxxxxx>
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