Re: SooperLooper 1.7.0 released

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Hi Julien,

Good to hear you have been getting on OK with it.

>Can you also bind MIDI input to some of the global commands?

Yes, all the bindable commands are documented here:
At the bottom of that page there are the "g.ctrl" which are "global controls".

The .slb file format which SL uses is unfortunately still
un-documented. Each line is a binding and each parameter is delimited
by spaces and is arranged as follows:

midi_channel midi_type midi_value command control_name loop_instance
lower_bound upper_bound style midi_data_min midi_data_max

The loop_instance will set the loop number the control applies to
where -1 means all loops and -2 is used for global controls. So a
select_next_loop binding for a note-on on channel 1, key 60 will be:

0 on 60  set select_next_loop -2  0 1  norm 0 127

an undo for all loops for note-on on channel 1, key 61 will be:

0 on 61  note undo -1  0 1  norm 0 127

a solo for loop 1 for cc event channel 2 cc-number 2 will be:

1 cc 2  hit solo 0  0 1  norm 0 127

The different midi_types are:

n     - NoteOn or Off
on    - NoteOn
off   - NoteOff
cc    - CC message
ccon  - CC with value 127
ccoff - CC with value 0
pc    - Program Change
pb    - Pitch Bend
kp    - Poly Pressure
cp    - Channel Pressure

the different styles are only useful for ctrls and g.ctrls not cmds
and it controls how the midi data relates to the control data

norm - interpret the midi_data range linearly to the control range
gain - interpret the midi_data range to the control range in a
logarithmic fashion
toggle - toggle from lower_bound to upper_bound on each event
integer - interpret the midi_data range as an integer in the
lower_/upper_bound range

>is there a way to tell slconsole to load a loop for another loop than the first?

slconsole is a bit static unfortunately, you can only load into the
first loop and all the commands affect all loops.



On 14 May 2013 20:45, Julien Claassen <julien@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello Kaspar!
>   I've been experimenting with SooperLooper a little and found it to be
> quite easy to use, once I wrapped my head around a few of the more
> specialised commands.
>   Here's a question: I've seen, that you can bind MIDI input to loop related
> commands. Can you also bind MIDI input to some of the global commands? I'm
> thinking of select_next_loop and select_prev_loop in particular.
>   and is there a way to tell slconsole to load a loop for another loop than
> the first?
>   Warm regards
>         Julien
> ----------------------------------------
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