On 02.03.2013 13:00, linux-audio-user-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hiho, I've only worked with the python2 version, but I may have an
idea where things go wrong. On Wed, 27 Feb 2013 15:54:42 +0100
Christoph Kuhr <christoph.kuhr@xxxxxx> wrote:
I have a python3 app, that calls a class OSC_Communication.
address = localhost, port = 9001
Try for an address instead, then the program will listen on any
interface, and not just localhost.
It may be that the program you are using to send is using the
IP-address connected to one of your physical interfaces as a targer,
rather than the loopback (localhost) address.
In a sense this difference allows you to make your program more secure,
by ignoring messages coming from outside of the machine, but
unfortunately, not all other OSC-enabled programs allow you control
over how they send the messages.
Hi, thanks for the advice, but i already tried that one out earlier
without success.
I switched to pyliblo, which works like a charm!
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