Re: [Fwd: Re: Fuck your sexism]

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On 02/10/2013 09:14 PM, SxDx wrote:
Whatever I write would not be convincing. I am an asshole.
I accept that.

But! maybe the following argument would at
least open up your mind on sexism.

How did you come to linux? or hacking? or computer science?
How does one human being come to that? Is there a special

My bet is: no. It's pure random. At point t in time you
don't care, at point t+dt you care and roll on.

If this is right, why don't we find 50% of female humans,
as in the general population?

So there is a problem. You don't see it because you are
i'm acutely aware of the very low percentage of women in the open source 
community, thank you.
All of you. No female friend to talk to you about
what she lives.
i feel the need to point out that i have many female friends and 
respected colleagues, and i like to discuss gender issues with them, or 
ask them stupid questions about calculus, or what their current research 
projects are.
Dig a bit on the web. Recently several
women in tech went public on how they are treated by
you, males.
that is a very stupid remark. it's also at least a hundred times more 
sexist than the image that caused the original outrage.
i've actually followed the whole discussion of sexist aggression on 
technical conferences quite closely. and i refuse to be summarily 
condemned together with pimpled 20 year old jerks who suddenly realize 
they somehow missed puberty, just because i happen to be of the same gender.
manga aesthetics can and should be discussed. however, the fact is that 
manga boys look and behave just as stereotypically stupid as manga 
girls, so i don't see why it should be sexist. still, people of any 
gender love it. fair enough.
the original poster made it sound like he saw a piece of hentai porn. at 
the risk of exposing myself to giggles and snide remarks: i blushed when 
i heard of a "subservient pose", thinking omg, some pimpled nerd did 
something really tasteless here.
and clicking that link with trembling hands, what do i find? a girlie 
stereotype with fuzzy ears and large eyes standing around like she has 
to pee. if that is what's left of sexist imagery, we've sure come a long 
sadly, that's not the case, so conserve your precious outrage and direct 
it at real problems.



Jörn Nettingsmeier
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