Re: Infrasonic Quartet mixing: how to use both stero inputs?

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On Sun, January 27, 2013 2:54 pm, Vladimir Snigur wrote:
> Hi all!
> Seems like Quartet (ice1724 driver) has two stereo inputs, but my software
> sees only one from each pair so that I have too choose in alsamixer which
> input to use (PCM 1/2 or 3/4). I want though to use both of them. How can
> I do that? I'd like to mix two audio streams using Jack.

I don't have a 1724 (I have a 1712) but it looks like your two sets of
inputs have their own PCI bus interface. (unlike the 1712) So the first
thing to do is:
 arecord -l

That should tell you if they are both the same sub device.

Having said that and looking up "quartet" via google... is this a USB
device? The ICE1724 looks like a PCI chip... though I suspect it could be
used through USB... but in that case why not use the VT1730? (maybe age,
the quartet looks like it has been around for a while) The 1724 does match
with the port count though.

Len Ovens

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