On 06/01/13 05:54, Tim Goetze wrote:
[Dave Phillips]
You could take a week or so and go through all the Rhodes patches available for
the DX/TX synths, via Hexter of course. :)
I also like the Rhodes patches for Yoshimi/ZynAddSubFX.
Maybe Pianoteq has something Rhodesy ?
Thanks for the pointers, Dave! I like the physical modelling approach
Pianoteq is taking, and I'd expect it to work well for a Rhodes, but
this particular quest is for something that's truly free so it'll be
the first two first.
The Pianoteq Rhodes is great, but if you want free options, here are two
more to consider:
The MDA plugin set (ported to LV2 here:
http://drobilla.net/software/mda-lv2/) includes MDA EPiano, which is a
nice, generic eletric piano. It's light on resources and it's quite
adjustable, which is great, though I do think it sounds a little dull
somehow. Definitely worth installing, though.
The other option is the Learjeff jRhodes3 soundfont
(http://learjeff.net/sf/sf.html). It's only 76MB, so it's a bit lacking
in velocity layers compared to a good commercial sample library, but it
still sounds great. Works fine in Fluidsynth/Qsynth, though I used sfZed
to convert it to SFZ format to use with the Linuxsampler plugin.
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