On Thu, 05 Apr 2012 18:08:23 +1000, Leigh Dyer <lsd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 5/04/12 3:29 PM, Stuzz wrote:
On Thu, 05 Apr 2012 04:36:50 +1000, alexander <axeldenstore@xxxxxxxxx>
Good job on thatone! I didn't realize hydrogen could send midi, now if
it can send CC messages too somehow(for the hihat), you'll be able to
have all functionality of the kit! that would be pretty golden..
Glad you approve Alex.
The CC messages you're referring too... That has something to do with
how open, closed or inbetween the hihat is, right? If so, I'm sure
that'd be handy to sort out as well, but I don't think Hydrogen is up to
the task (but happy to be proved wrong).
For me though, I'd be hard pressed to find a requirement for that much
nuance on a hihat for a regular drum beat.
Without that, I think all of the hats you'll get from Hydrogen will be
closed hats (well, apart from the pedal hat, which is on its own key),
since you need to send a CC value to get the semi-open or fully-open
In my example .h2kit I did mark three hihat instruments - closed, pedal
and open. With any luck their correct. In my example ogg I managed to
use all three and most of the rest of the kit at some point aswell, and I
think it sounds like an open hat. The pedal hat automatically mutes what
I called the open hat as well.
So I think as it stands, closed, pedal (and a pedal splash if you up it's
velocity) and fully-open are available. Maybe in a pinch a combination of
them (closed and low-velocity open for instance) could approximate a
semi-open hat, but no, there is no semi-open sound.
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