On Mon, 2012-02-20 at 12:00 +0000, linux-audio-user-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > Message: 2 > Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 09:44:27 +0100 > From: Emiliano Grilli <emiliano.grilli@xxxxxxxxx> > Subject: RME multiface pcmcia with pci adapter > To: ML-LAU <linux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > Message-ID: <87aa4dj3mc.fsf@xxxxxxxxxx> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii > > > Hello, > > I just scored a RME multiface I + cardbus card on ebay for a good > price, > and I was wondering if that can be used with a pci to pcmcia adapter > like this one: > > http://www.ebay.it/itm/CONVERTITORE-DA-PCI-A-PCMCIA-ADATTATORE-UMTS-GPRS-WIFI-USB-FIREWIRE-CARDBUS-TO-/260961645651?pt=Schede_PCI_I_O_controller_per_PC_e_Server&hash=item3cc286b453 > > Anyone has used this kind of setup? > > Thank you in advance > I don't have experiences with such a setup. I would avoid using an adapter. Perhaps you should search the web for latency and jitter. I only read: http://www.rme-audio.de/forum/viewtopic.php?id=7521 They 're just talking about latency, not about jitter. An audio card is just an IO card, but OTOH we expect precision from pro-audio IO cards. Keeping in mind that even the combination of mobo, BIOS version and mounted hardware can cause issues, IMO an adapter could make the situation more critical. There perhaps is more to read: http://www.google.de/#sclient=psy-ab&hl=de&source=hp&q=pci+pcmcia +adapter+card+latencies&pbx=1&oq=pci+pcmcia+adapter+card +latencies&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=3&gs_upl=2178l7319l1l7498l21l18l0l3l3l1l182l2230l3.15l21l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=55c64d3a5dd0db77&biw=1152&bih=685 http://www.google.de/#sclient=psy-ab&hl=de&source=hp&q=pci+pcmcia +adapter+card+jitter&pbx=1&oq=pci+pcmcia+adapter+card +jitter&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=3&gs_upl=63588l64692l0l65172l7l7l0l0l0l0l144l912l0.7l7l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=55c64d3a5dd0db77&biw=1152&bih=685 IMO it's not a good idea. When I bought a RME card somebody from LAU or LAD mentioned that I should keep in mind that even PCI might be dropped soon. I reconsidered to get a PCI RME and bought a PCIe RME instead, knowing that it wasn't and still isn't that good supported as PCI models are. spinymouse@oz:~$ hdspconf HDSPConf 1.4 - Copyright (C) 2003 Thomas Charbonnel <thomas@xxxxxxxxxx> This program comes WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY HDSPConf is free software, see the file copying for details Looking for HDSP cards : Card 0 : TerraTec EWX24/96 at 0xbf00, irq 20 Card 1 : TerraTec EWX24/96 at 0xbb00, irq 21 Card 2 : RME AIO S/N 0x579bcc at 0xfdef0000, irq 18 No Hammerfall DSP card found. 2 Cents, Ralf _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://lists.linuxaudio.org/listinfo/linux-audio-user