I wonder if this is something really stupid like faulty memory, and it's only that combination of hardware/software this hits the dodgy bits? This happened to me a while ago. Took me ages to work it out, especially as memtest seemed to show no problems. As a matter of interest I have a 2496 card working on a dual core athlon under an audio-fied debian squeeze. I use the MIDI and audio I/O and also a USB MIDI unit. On the audio side, I have a total of 3 hardware synths, a guitar and mic (into a little analogue mixer). -- Will J Godfrey http://www.musically.me.uk Say you have a poem and I have a tune. Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song. _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://lists.linuxaudio.org/listinfo/linux-audio-user