Re: Some "sound&visuals" dj sets :)

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On Lunes, 3 de Octubre de 2011 13:45:15 usted escribió:
> On Mon, 3 Oct 2011 02:30:43 +0200
> MK aka El Doctor <> wrote:
> > Hi there ;)
> > 
> > I've uploaded some homemade videos (mix & visuals) and some
> > screenshots of my (new) setup :)
> > 
> > Thoses videos are entirely done on linux, the programs used are:
> >   * xwax (dj stuff)
> >   * lebiniou (vj stuff)
> >   * ardour (audio recording)
> >   * ffmpeg (video recording)
> >   * kdenlive (video montage)
> > 
> > A 3deck Jungle Drum&Bass :
> >
> > 
> > A 4deck Tribe Hardtekno :
> >
> hi, it looks interesting :)
> how does lebiniou work? I could only find a little page on it on
> freshmeat - do you have some live control over it? like press a button
> and apply an effect, or change image/video clip etc.
> Sometime ago I played with Resolume on Windows, and found it very fun
> and powerful as an approach... I'm wondering if something similar and
> live-oriented like that could be done on linux
> cheers
> renato

Hi ;)

Thx for your interest.

There are a lots of keybindings controls in lebiniou, I believe it's a really 
good solution for live oriented showcases. Take a look at the manual

Le Biniou - User's manual
Basic concepts

Le Biniou is made of a set of plugins (nearly one hundred), that produce 
various graphic effects, depending on a source input (usually, your 

There are several types of plugins:

    Input plugins (sound inputs: OSS, ALSA, PulseAudion, etc.)
    Drawing plugins (oscilloscopes, screensaver effects, etc.)
    Filtering plugins (blurs, distortions, etc.)
    Image plugins (that use a background image)
    Color plugins (modify the current colormap)

These plugins can be selected and organized in a particular order, forming 

Sequences can be created by the user (in the interactive mode), or by Le 
Biniou's Artificial Intelligence (in the automatic mode).

Le Biniou has an integrated On Screen Display (OSD), that shows you what's 
going on, and acts as a User Interface to select, organize or reorder plugins 
when you're in the interactive mode.

By default, Le Biniou starts in automatic mode, without OSD.

Le Biniou can randomly pick between many different colormaps and background 
pictures, allowing evolving rendering effects.

There are also three "auto-modes", that will randomly change the current 
sequence between user-defined and/or Le Biniou-generated ones.

Keyboard controls will be shown like this: "Hit the [space] key".
Starting Le Biniou

Le Biniou can be started by:

    the Applications/Sound&Video menu
    using the command line

Using the command line, you can activate specific options, like the display 
mode (window size, full-screen, etc.), the input source to use, which On 
Screen Display mode to activate, and more.
Please refer to the "Command line options" section for more informations.
Options can also be set with a user-defined configuration file.

Essential keyboard controls

    Switch full-screen on/off using the [f] key
    Cycle through OSD modes using the [o] key. Available modes are:
        Off (default mode)
        Simple: displays system information, auto-modes, current sequence, 
        Full: same as Simple, also shows the plugin list, and the selected 
plugin's description
        Full (2): same as Full, but uses a black (instead of transparent) 
    Exit Le Biniou with [Shift-q]
    Exit Le Biniou, saving the current sequence with [Shift-x]. This sequence 
will be activated next time you start Le Biniou.
    Note: user-defined sequences are saved in your ".lebiniou/sequences/" 
    Take a screenshot with [Shift-PRINT]
    Note: screenshots are saved in your ".lebiniou/screenshots/" folder.

Automatic Mode

When started, Le Biniou will create a new sequence regularly using it's 
Artificial Intelligence engine. Stop this mode by hitting [ESCAPE].

Hit [BACKSPACE] to make the AI create a new sequence.

Hit [p] or [Shift-p] to switch between the different random modes:

    Select random user sequences
    Select random AI sequences
    Select random user and AI sequences

If the OSD is activated, a progress bar on the right will show you the time 
remaining until Le Biniou creates a new sequence.
Interactive Mode

At some point, you may want to create your own sequences. We will show you how 
to do this with a complete example.

To create new sequences, it is recommended to set the OSD in full mode (so 
that you can see the sequence, the plugin list and their description), and of 
course to turn Automatic Mode off (using [ESCAPE]).
Essential keyboard controls

    Use [e]/[r] to cycle through the colormaps
    Use [t] to randomly pick one
    Use [Ctrl-t] to switch "random colormaps mode" on/off.
    In this mode, Le Biniou will change colormaps every few seconds
    Show or hide the current colormap using [Alt-c]


    Use [y]/[u] to cycle through the pictures
    Use [i] to randomly pick one
    Use [Ctrl-i] to switch "random pictures mode" on/off.
    In this mode, Le Biniou will change pictures every few seconds

Your first sequence

To start from the begining, use [Shift-z] to remove all the plugins, and [n] 
to clear the screen.
Note: In the top-left part of the OSD, the sequence will have the name 

    First, add a plugin: find the "rotors" plugin in the list and add it to 
the sequence.
    Use [UP]/[DOWN] to navigate through the list, and [RETURN] to add or 
remove the plugin.
    Use [PAGEUP]/[PAGEDOWN] to scroll faster in the list.
    Now, add a filtering effect: find the "blur2" plugin and add it.
    New plugins will be added at the end of the sequence (except a few 
plugins, like the "clear" plugin, that will be added at the front).
    Then, change the colormap (using the controls described before) to one 
that pleases you.
    Finally, add a plugin that reacts to the sound, for example, the "X 
oscillo stereo" plugin.

You can save your newly created sequence using [Ctrl-s].
From now on, the sequence will have a name (the timestamp you saved it), for 
example: "1300821622".
It will be saved in your ".lebiniou/sequences/" folder under the name 
Later, you can rename this file to a suitable name, eg "My cool sequence.xml". 
This new name will be displayed in the OSD.

You can overwrite an existing sequence using [Ctrl-u] (the name will not be 

When you have several sequences, you can cycle through them using [Shift-LEFT] 
and [Shift-RIGHT],
pick one at random using [Shift-BACKSPACE], and use them in the Automatic 
Reorganizing the sequence

You can change the plugins order in the sequence:

    Use [Shift-UP]/[Shift-DOWN] to select a plugin in the sequence (the 
selected plugin will have an arrow before it's name)
    Use [Ctrl-UP]/[Ctrl-DOWN] to move the selected plugin up/down in the 

Example sequences

Example sequences are available, install them by issuing the following command 
in your home directory:
$ tar xvfz /usr/share/doc/lebiniou-data/examples/sequences.tar.gz

Advanced topics

You can bind sequences to the function keys to organize and quickly activate 
them. You are given 12 "banksets", each bankset contains 12 "banks" that can 
be mapped to sequences.

    Select a bankset using [Ctrl-F1]..[Ctrl-F10]
    Store the current sequence in a bank using [Shift-F1]..[Shift-F12]
    Recall a stored sequence from a bank using [F1]..[F12]
    Save the current bindings with [Ctrl-b]

Note: the banks are saved in the ".lebiniou/banks.xml" file.

Command line options

    Display the list of available input/output plugins with:

    $ lebiniou -h

        Use "-i <INPUT>" to select the input plugin.
        Use "-o <OUTPUT>" to select the output plugin.

Configuration file

You can permanently set options in a configuration file (.lebiniourc), install 
this file by issuing the following command:
$ cp /usr/share/doc/lebiniou/examples/lebiniourc ~/.lebiniourc

Then edit to set your preferences.

3D plugins

Some plugins (eg: the "galaxy" plugin) operate in 3D.

    Use [Alt-b] to display a bounding shape (cube, sphere, wired sphere, or 
    Drag and drop the mouse to rotate the 3D view
    Use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out
    Hit [Alt-r] to toggle 3D rotations on/off


    Use [Alt-m] to show/hide the mouse cursor
    Use [k] and [Shift-k] to adjust the desired frame rate
    [Shift-n] will fill the screen with random pixels

There are others VJ oriented softwares running on linux:
veejay (gveejay reloaded), lives, pure data & externals, gephex (seems 
discontinued), freej ... I probably missed some ...


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