Re: Recording of a 'natural' talent.

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Excerpts from Folderol's message of 2011-07-20 23:02:27 +0200:
> Warning! This file is about 12M and the audio runs for 8 1/2 minutes.
> I recorded this in 1982, by hanging out of an attic window at about 4:30am.
> This was as close as I could get to 'Blackie' who always sat high up in the
> same chestnut tree. The time was dictated by the need to get zero traffic
> noise. Even then I was at this every morning for about a week!
> The MIC was a bog-standard Unidyne B plugged straight into a Casio DA-7
> portable DAT machine (cost an arm and a leg in those days). I was getting a bit
> paranoid about losing this so took a Wave copy from the machine in the late
> 1990s.
> Blackie is actually a copyright infringer. He copied the most notable part of
> his song from a friend who used to whistle that handful of notes frequently -
> to everyone's annoyance. However, we forgave Blackie as he'd been hearing it
> virtually from hatching. You see, he'd fallen out of the nest and Terry (same
> one as I've mentioned previously) hand reared him. Also, I swear that at a
> couple of points he's actually laughing!
> A final twist was that a couple of years later we saw and heard several young
> blackbirds with a remarkably similar song.

Thanks, he sung very nicely.
Blackbirds aren't highly regarded here since they're rather common, but
they're certainly the best common singers.

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