Re: Supercollider error

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Fons Adriaensen wrote:
Any SC experts out there ?

I'm trying to install SuperCollider (from the AUR package) and get
the following rather uniformative error:

fons@c252:~> sclang
compiling class library..
        NumPrimitives = 532
        pass 1 done
ERROR: There is a discrepancy.
numClassDeps 0   gNumClasses 80

That's without any ~/.sclang.cfg or ~/

Strange thing is I did exactly the same yesterday evening on another
system, using the same package, and everything works fine there.

Anyt help appreciated !

Hi Fons,

I'm no expert, but I have been busy writing a lengthy article about the latest Git version of SC3. I've run into that discrepancy problem when I had installed Quarks or plugins that conflicted with something already installed with the system. A directory is set up for the Quarks that is in fact simply a directory of links to the actual packages. You can remove or hide the links directory and restart the interpreter, that should clear up the discrepancy (if it's caused by a quark - I'm not sure what to do if a plugin is causing the trouble).

Your ~/.sclang.cfg is typically used to point to the server location, set up JACK I/O ports, and set the path to the SwingOSC jarfile (if wanted). I assume you started the server, then ran sclang ? Have you tried setting up emacs or vi/vim for use with SC ? It's really the better way of working with sclang.

Btw, what version are you testing ? I've been working only with the unreleased 3.5, I don't know if my advice conflicts with the 3.4 series.

Let me know if I can help in any other way. These days I'm getting into SC pretty heavily, it's a neat system.



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