Re: xrun problems. (Was Re: Introduction to Ardour 3.0 MIDI)

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Am 28.03.2011 23:15, schrieb Dan Capp:
Hi Peder. Thanks for your assistance. Info below:

What CPU do you have (grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo)?
AMD Phenom(tm) 9750 Quad-Core Processor
I had a Presonus Firebox running with Frames/Periods 64/3 on a ancient 
Pentium4 with zero xruns. The very same Firebox spat out xruns by the 
score if running it on a Lenovo Laptop with Intel Dualcore with 256/3.
Firewire Interfaces tend to be very picky regarding the chipset oft the 

 and they amok, if there is something on the bus blocking them.

Have you made the limits.conf hack to enable realtime and are you
I'm afraid I have no idea.
the file /etc/security/limits.conf should have the following lines at 
its end:

@audio - rtprio 86
@audio - memlock unlimited

in Ubuntu there is a file called "audio.conf" in a folder named /etc/security/limits.d . In Fedora the file is called 99jack.conf.
All with the same lines. You need to be member in the group "audio" (or 
"jackuser" under Fedora)
I have a real-time kernel and I have it set to on
when I use firewire, but off when I use alsa. All music production (when I
get the one-off xruns) happens only when using firewire, and thus with
realtime on.

running jack in realtime (with say -P70)?
Yes I have jack in realtime, on exactly P70, but ONLY in firewire mode. Alsa
mode is set to default priority and non-realtime. I have QjackCtl setup so
that it launches and starts in Alsa-mode when I boot my computer. When I do
music stuff and turn my firewire device on I switch to the "firewire" preset
which is realtime P70.

Are you running jack with ?ber-low latency; what's the frames/period

In firewire mode I have frames/period setting of 256 with buffer on 3 = a
latency of 17.4 msec.
On a system like yours any Firewire-Interface should do much better (see 
Ever tried a Live-DVD like AVLinux or Pure:Dyne?

Alsa mode is much higher on 1024 and around 70 msec
(but I believe that should be irrelevant as I don't do any audio/midi jack
connection stuff in Alsa mode.


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