Re: Music Made with Linux: The Infinite Repeat - Money or Love (DJ AutoStatic Remix)

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On 03/05/2011 10:48 AM, Renato wrote:
cool! thoughts on why using seq24 as sequencer and qtractor as a mixer
rather than doing all in qtractor?

Hi Renato,

Qtractor cannot sequence/loop patterns independently from one another, it's not a step sequencer like seq24. Of course I could've imported all the .mid files into Qtractor or done all the sequencing in Qtractor but that would've taken me a lot more time and the resulting workflow would've been less flexible.
btw, it's a detail, but I'm curious, how do you do the ending fade-out?
Are the mixer strips in qtractor midi controllable?

Yes they are, basically everything is MIDI controllable in Qtractor 
(mute, solo, panning, volume, plug-in parameters). Together with my 
BCF2000 and BCR2000 it really is a powerful mixing tool. BCF2000 for the 
mixing and BCR2000 for the plug-in parameters. I've programmed the 
automation for the fade-out in seq24.

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