Re: [LAD] Linux Audio Conference - Call for Participation - website

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In the LAC 2008 (KHM) there were pictures of the place on the web page, to imagine sound installations proposals.
Would it be possible to make the same for this LAC?

(I would like to make something.. :) )

Best regards,

El 11/02/2010 07:02 PM, Robin Gareus escribió:
[Apologies for cross-postings] [Please distribute]

Paper-submission, call-for-music and registration are now open
for the Linux Audio Conference 2011 - May 6-8 2011, Maynooth, Ireland

More information:

As in previous years, we will have a full program of talks, workshops
and music.

The Linux Audio Conference 2011 will include several concerts. We are
looking for music that has been produced or composed entirely or mostly
using GNU/Linux or other Open Source music software for:
* The Electroacoustic Music Concerts
* The Linux Sound Night
* Sound installations

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