R. Mattes wrote:
On Mon, 5 Jul 2010 10:39:53 +0100, James Morris wrote
Now I'm not very musical, and found my way to wikipedia,
specifically this page:
Which says "In music, a whole tone scale is a scale in which each
note is separated from its neighbours by the interval of a whole
step. There are only two complementary whole tone scales, both six-
note or hexatonic scales:
This is correct. In the usual ET scale contruction we have three normal
symmetrical scales (aka modes of limited transposition) :
Chromatic scale: 1/2 step equidistant
Whole-tone scale: 1 step
Diminished scale: 1 1/2 steps
See Persichetti on the utility on symmetrical scales and Messiaen on
modes of limited transposition.
Btw, to the OP: You might save yourself some work simply by
incorporating Scala support.
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