Re: It's time to release The Salamander Grand Piano

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Excerpts from alexander's message of 2010-05-22 16:54:27 +0200:
> Gigedit is quite good as long as you're careful when using the "apply to 
> all regions" and "apply to dimension splits" check boxes. It's however 
> not fast when adding samples and regions and dimension as there is no 
> copy/paste. I originally was gonna use giga too but at one point the 
> editor started to behave really odd. There was some unexplainable issue 
> with regions only "seeing" one release velocity layer. Also, I now have 
> two separate release samples, harmonic string resonance and the hammer 
> action. The harmonic releases also comes in 3 different layers, 2 
> veolocity layers that have a high rt_decay value ("The volume decay 
> amount when the region is set to play in *release* trigger mode, in 
> decibels per second since note-on message.") and one that has a low 
> rt_decay value, this is not doable with giga. As far as I know you can't 
> even have 2 separate release samples so you would have to mix the hammer 
> noise and harmonic releases samples down into one sample.
> For making sfz files there is also a ruby script called "sfzer" I have 
> not tried this tho and I expect you can't make very advanced instruments 
> with it.
> We should put some pressure on the linuxsampler folks to do a new 
> release ;) with on_locc# and on_hicc# opcodes implemented. (those would 
> give pedal noise)

I played with it a bit and seems to have issues, especially with the
sustain pedal. I thought it was a bug that the sustain was either on or
off, with nothing in between, my keyboard sending an in between value
added to the confusion and I even reported a bug:

Anyway, it seems that MIDI only knows on or off for sustain, so it's not
actually a bug, but releasing a sustain feels very unnatural since it
releases immediately. I found that changing the release time helps a
bit: ampeg_release=0.360 to something like ampeg_release=1

The other thing is that removing your whole pedal section doesn't really
hurt. There seem to be some bugs in that section:

<group> hikey=-1 lokey=-1 on_locc64=64 on_hicc64=127 off_by=2

hikey and lokey take values from 0 to 127 according to:

Someone who works with sfz told me that LS currently has a bug and
needs offby instead of off_by.

<group> hikey=0 lokey=0 on_locc64=0 on_hicc64=63 group=2 volume=-30

This line refers to group=2 which doesn't exist.

These are just some things that were noticed, I didn't even try to
understand sfz and didn't check the whole file. I'm very happy that the
Salamander exists and will certainly use it, so thanks :)


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