Day Four is upon us! We're entering the home stretch! Thanks to all the online folks who dropped by the FLOSS Manuals site last night to ask questions and help out--such as Janet Swisher, Matteo Cortes, Joern Nettingsmeier, Christopher Stamper, and in particular Peter Lutek, Bruno Ruviaro and David Elwel, who all did a lot of proofreading and corrections! Thus far, the structure of the manual is posted below. Some things will be moved from chapter to chapter as well, so it would be a good idea to look over all the chapters before starting in on an Incomplete section. The manual can be read and edited at: Thanks again for your interest and time! Best from Rotterdam, Derek ps...pls reply direct or CC me, I'm not monitoring all mailing lists this week! *** ARDOUR FLOSS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Introduction (To be proofed) AboutThisManual (Incomplete) WhatIsDigitalAudio (To be proofed) INSTALLATION ArdourOSX (To be proofed) InstallingJackOSX (To be proofed) Ubuntu (To be proofed) Linux (To be proofed) GETTING STARTED StartArdourOSX (To be proofed) StartArdourUbuntu (To be proofed) StartJackOSX (To be proofed) StartJackUbuntu (To be proofed) StartUtilityAudioMidiSetupOSX (To be proofed) InterfaceOverview (incomplete) STARTING SESSIONS StartSession (To be proofed) SetupTimeline (Incomplete) CreateATrack (To be proofed) ImportAudio (To be proofed) RecordingAudio (To be proofed) UnderstandingRouting (To be proofed) EDITING SESSIONS WorkingWithRegions (To be proofed) StretchingShrinkingRegions (To be proofed) RegionsRightClickOperations (To be proofed) UsingRanges (To be proofed) UsingMixerStrip (To be proofed) UsingMixerStripII (To be proofed) CreatingLoopedSections (To be proofed) MIXING SESSIONS UsingSendsAndInserts (To be proofed) UsingPlugIns (To be proofed) MixingTracks (Incomplete) UsingAutomation (To be proofed) EXPORTING SESSIONS ExportRegion (Incomplete) ExportRange (Incomplete) ExportSession (Incomplete) SAVING SESSIONS SaveSession (Incomplete) SaveSnapshot (Incomplete) SaveTemplate (Incomplete) APPENDICES Glossary (Incomplete) Links (Needs Layout) Credits (Unpublished) InstallingOnUbuntu (Hold) *** KEY TO ABOVE: Incomplete = little or no content, significant writing necessary To be proofed = substantial amount of content, should be reviewed and corrected or added to as needed Needs Layout = content considered complete, needs HTML formatting to remove excess tags etc etc Unpublished = default tag Hold = will not be included, usually because the content has been moved someplace else _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx