On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 1:20 AM, Norval Watson <norv2001@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Hi all, > Here's a little five minute film I made inspired by a half-hour session on FreeWheeling one night: > http://vimeo.com/4840940 > I had Freewheeling running Fluidsynth with the Mega25 soundfont set, Ghostess running WhySynth and Hexter into FW, and Phasex into FW as well. All hooked up with JACK and a bash script I bashed out over a few days studying JP Mercury's examples in FW. > Cheers, > Norv > > ******************************************* > Twitter: www.twitter.com/norv2001 - some tweets I made > Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/videos/search:norv2001 - some videos I made > Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/12687273@N04/ - some photos I made > MySpace: www.myspace.com/dcellmusic - some music I made > Facebook: www.facebook..com - some friends I made > Longforest www.longforest.com - some art I made > > > > Need a Holiday? Win a $10,000 Holiday of your choice. Enter now.http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylc=X3oDMTJxN2x2ZmNpBF9zAzIwMjM2MTY2MTMEdG1fZG1lY2gDVGV4dCBMaW5rBHRtX2xuawNVMTEwMzk3NwR0bV9uZXQDWWFob28hBHRtX3BvcwN0YWdsaW5lBHRtX3BwdHkDYXVueg--/SIG=14600t3ni/**http%3A//au.rd.yahoo.com/mail/tagline/creativeholidays/*http%3A//au.docs.yahoo.com/homepageset/%3Fp1=other%26p2=au%26p3=mailtagline > > _______________________________________________ > Linux-audio-user mailing list > Linux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-user > Since you don't mention xjadeo here, I would like to mention that this sort of project can be much easier with xjadeo runnung alongside ardour, you can render your video, and then have xjadeo play the video based on ardour's playback location. Of course it would be even better to have jack audio and jack transport support in cinelerra, but who knows when that will happen (it will be a while before I have the free time to try such a thing, though I am tempted). I liked the emphatic percussion in this piece, and all the unabashedly synthesized instruments, reminding me of early '90s stuff by the Residents. In the video, for some reason the car was jarring - perhaps because I could read the make and model? Maybe it didn't fit in with the other subjects of the photography? Also it had the telltale signs of a movie made by someone working solo with nobody else to film (I notice this because I am in the same boat with my latest video project). _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-user