Re: jackdmp and (was: Jackbeat 0.7)

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Le 11 mai 09 à 15:27, Olivier Guilyardi a écrit :

> Stéphane Letz wrote:
>> Le 11 mai 09 à 14:43, Olivier Guilyardi a écrit :
>>> Dave Phillips wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 2009-05-10 at 22:45 +0200, Olivier Guilyardi wrote:
>>>>> Okay, this problem should be solved in SVN.
>>>> And so it is, thank you. :)
>>> Glad to read that :) Thanks for your feedback.
>>>>> To a certain extent one might consider the problem comes from the
>>>>> jackdmp waf
>>>>> build system, which doesn't provide libtool .la files, while all
>>>>> packaged
>>>>> libraries do provide these files.
>>> [...]
>>>> I've run into the same problem when trying to build the latest  
>>>> MusE 1.0
>>>> rc2. It gets to the link stage and fails because of missing  
>>>> If anyone from the MusE development group reads this perhaps they  
>>>> too
>>>> can reconsider their use of libtool.
>>> Well, every single autoconf/automake-based software which builds a  
>>> shared
>>> library for internal or external use, normally uses libtool. Thus, I
>>> think that
>>> the fact that jackdmp doesn't provide is a bug.
>>> I'm CC'ing Stéphane Letz. Although I don't know how to do it, I
>>> suppose that you
>>> can make .la files with waf, since it claim(ed) to support libtool
>>> emulation.
>>> -- 
>>> Olivier
>> What is the  file supposed to contain? and what is it for?
> .la files are files generated and used by libtool to link a shared  
> library with
> another library. These files actually contains a small amount of  
> textual
> meta-data for libtool to decide how linking should be performed.  
> They do not
> replace .so or .a files, they complement them in the libtool world.
> In other terms, every autoconf/automake based software which builds  
> a shared
> library which is itself linked with libjack, normally uses libtool  
> and thus
> requires to be present. This includes applications (such  
> as Muse I
> presume) which build convenient internal shared libraries.
> I suggest that you ask on the waf-users google group how to make  
> an .la file,
> they know what this is all about.
> --
>  Olivier

It seems using .la file is *bad idea* AKAIKS, see:

Jun 09 21:03:51 *	drobilla wonders if he can emulate his recursive but  
separate build system thingie w/ waf
Jun 09 21:03:51 nedko	drobilla: yup, versioning is very easy but i  
havent tried generation of .la files yet
Jun 09 21:04:05 las	nedko: DON'T !!!!!!!!
Jun 09 21:04:08 moret	drobilla: just for info, if you want to test  
netjack2, please use waf, it's better than scons for netjack...
Jun 09 21:04:09 drobilla	meh, who needs 'em
Jun 09 21:04:12 las	.la files are the devil's work
Jun 09 21:04:22 nedko	las: dont what?
Jun 09 21:04:32 drobilla	moret: obviously I did use waf ;)
Jun 09 21:04:32 las	nedko: don't try to generate .la files
Jun 09 21:04:41 drobilla	moret: don't plan on testing netjack, but  
Jun 09 21:05:02 nedko	las: i havent, but autotools do it, and i think  
waf can do that too
Jun 09 21:05:31 drobilla	las: you do know the way libraries are built  
in the ardour tree is completely inappropriate for distribution  
right? :)
Jun 09 21:05:43 drobilla	(not because of .la files, but still.  life  
is less fun when it's not just a helper)
Jun 09 21:05:54 las	drobilla: depends who you talk to. Mozilla still  
does it this way
Jun 09 21:06:05 las	drobilla: and they have a pretty solid rationale  
for it
Jun 09 21:06:32 drobilla	las: you can't system wide install completely  
unversioned shared libraries!
Jun 09 21:06:56 drobilla	no way they do.  maybe in version specific / 
Jun 09 21:07:39 las	drobilla: they are not installed system wide,  
never ever
Jun 09 21:07:52 drobilla	las: ok, well that doesn't count :)
Jun 09 21:07:58 las	drobilla: yes it bloody well does
Jun 09 21:08:05 drobilla	.... not really
Jun 09 21:08:13 drobilla	as far as build tools being usable for  
libraries anyway
Jun 09 21:08:34 drobilla	though you just have to append a bunch of  
flags, it's not that bad
Jun 09 21:08:41 nedko	the buffered stdout issue is getting really  
complex, i wonder whether we should force lash programs to disable  
stdout buffereing or we should use unbuffer trick or something like that
Jun 09 21:08:50 drobilla	says a lot about where scons is coming from  
though ;)
Jun 09 21:09:15 drobilla	ie windows style "fuck it we'll just build  
everything we need locally, libraries are stupid" land
Jun 09 21:09:18 las	drobilla: sure, it does say that
Jun 09 21:09:29 las	drobilla: but it doesn't say anything about ardour  
Jun 09 21:10:01 drobilla	las: I mean that way of building isn't  
suitable for distribution if it was building a library normally
Jun 09 21:10:07 drobilla	las: obviously for helpers it doesn't matter  
Jun 09 21:10:29 drobilla	I find it a bit retarded to pitch a next gen  
build system that can't even easily be used for shared library projects
Jun 09 21:10:41 las	nedko: but the whole point of .la files is ....  
Jun 09 21:10:54 las	nedko: it exists to address a problem that doesn't  
exist on any interesting platform
Jun 09 21:11:05 drobilla	does anything remotely relevant even use  
those anymore anyway?
Jun 09 21:11:19 las	drobilla: libtool still does
Jun 09 21:11:19 nedko	las: i'm in no way fan of .la files, i dont even  
know how they really work
Jun 09 21:11:46 las	nedko: they exist because once there were some  
platforms where a shared library didn't contain enough information to  
do "good" run time linking
Jun 09 21:11:47 drobilla	las: are they required to link against a  
shared lib with libtool at all?
Jun 09 21:12:03 las	nedko: this pretty much came to an end at least 5  
years ago, maybe more
Jun 09 21:12:07 *	drobilla thinks not
Jun 09 21:12:08 las	drobilla: no, they are not
Jun 09 21:12:21 drobilla	eff 'em then :)
Jun 09 21:12:35 drobilla	perhaps still useful for system installed  
static libs?
Jun 09 21:12:48 las	drobilla: they are of no use for static libs at  
all, AFAIK
Jun 09 21:12:51 nedko	so devil's work is void since 5 years?
Jun 09 21:12:52 nedko	:D
Jun 09 21:13:01 drobilla	las: dependencies?
Jun 09 21:13:20 las	nedko: something like that. if you still want to  
build for Irix from 8 years ago, then "Rock On libtool!"
Jun 09 21:13:29 las	drobilla: inferrable on every platform worth  
caring about
Jun 09 21:13:53 las	drobilla: they have to be because otehrwise static  
linking wouldn't work
Jun 09 21:14:29 drobilla	las: I don't think dependency information is  
in static libs
Jun 09 21:14:33 drobilla	las: could be wrong
Jun 09 21:14:57 drobilla	las: 'course this all carries the obvious  
disclaimer of: who actually installs/uses system wise static libs? :)
Jun 09 21:15:05 nedko	irix should be dead because sgi is dead, no?
Jun 09 21:15:30 nedko	althrough i used irix system 2 or 3 years ago
Jun 09 21:15:37 drobilla	if it isn't BSD or linux, it's dead :)
Jun 09 21:15:58 nedko	drobilla: macos is not bsd at all ;)
Jun 09 21:16:17 drobilla	or that

So woul'nt be better to solve the initial issue at the right place?

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