wow. thanks for the new example configurations and the extensivecomments! very helpful. the convolver itself is a bit of a marketing disaster, though. i mean,uh, it just convolves. No fancy new features, such as UltraLowJitter, orat least TrueMultiplyAndAdd (for purists, as opposed to FFT-based, forthat extra dash of depth and clarity). And TubeMode would be cool aswell. but one cannot have it all, i assume. ;) in the reverb configs, you mention that you cut off the direct sound bysetting an offset, which will then make the convolutions suitable to usein a classic "aux send" setup, so that the reverb return will be 100% wet.but why do you remove the first 5 ms of the room response?i seem to recall it is about control of low frequency energy, but iforgot the details. are those 5ms a natural constant, a matter of taste,or maybe a function of the room's rt60? pointers to TFM would be R withgreat interest. best, jörn _______________________________________________Linux-audio-user mailing listLinux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://