Justin Smith wrote: > oops, meant to send this to the list > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: Justin Smith <noisesmith@xxxxxxxxx> > Date: Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 1:08 PM > Subject: Re: circular ugen connections in supercollider > To: andy baxter <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > > > What you want is most likely a very short delay line from the second > unit with a reader of that line at the input of the first. I am fairly > certain that the delay has to be at least one audio chunk in length > (even if sc lets you specify a shorter delay, it cannot do a shorter > delay without infinite recursion issues). > Thanks - I've got it working. Code pasted below: ( { var b1=Buffer.alloc(s,s.sampleRate/10,1); var b2=Buffer.alloc(s,s.sampleRate/10,1); var imp=EnvGen.ar(Env.triangle(0.01,1)); var damping=0.0001; //var mute=1-EnvGen.ar(Env.linen(0,0.04,0,1,'step')); var sprGen,s1,s2,op; var crossRes=250; sprGen={arg impulse,konst; var harmPower=1; var nh=20; var spr; spr=Array.fill(nh,{ arg ind; var hAmp; //ind.postln; hAmp=1/((ind+1)**harmPower); //hAmp.postln; Spring.ar(impulse*hAmp,konst*(ind+1),damping); }); Mix.new(spr); }; //op=OutputProxy('ar',Silence.ar()); s1=sprGen.value(imp+PlayBuf.ar(1,b2,1,0,0,1),50); RecordBuf.ar(s1/crossRes,b1,1,1,0,1,1); s2=sprGen.value(PlayBuf.ar(1,b1,1,0,0,1),75); RecordBuf.ar(s2/crossRes,b2,1,1,0,1,1); Mix.new([s1,s2]); }.play; ); _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-user